When Alex turned to her again, he looked like a god ready to take a mortal woman into the lair of his desire.

"You're naked." He reminded her. "Now stay still. You are mine until I release you. This has to be perfect, for you and for me. Do you understand?"

She nodded her head but she didn't understand at all. There was no way this could become any more perfect than it already was. If she experienced any more pleasure, she might inflict some kind of medical injury upon herself.

She was willing to take the risk.

Only with him -- with Alex -- the first man who had ever...

When the plane bucked again, it was like nothing she had ever felt before, not in all her years as a flight attendant. She felt a jolt of terror for the first time as she floated from the bed into thin air.

They were in freefall, maybe even nose-diving. Alex floated in the air beside her with a look of grim determination and frustrated desire on his face as he reached for her. It was as though the fall of the plane meant nothing to him. He was bare-chested with a thin, glistening slick of wet desire covering his taut muscles.

He obviously still intended to screw her if he could before they hit the ground, one last monumental fuck before slamming into the earth below.

Melanie reached out her arms to him just as the plane righted itself. Suddenly she was on him again, her vulva pounding down onto his sculpted washboard six-pack, her breasts in his face.

Immediately he put his hands to her waist and drew her down, his hungry mouth, tongue, and lips feeding on her breasts and sending bolts of ecstasy through her entire body.

"Fuck me!" She screamed at the top of her voice. "Fuck me now, as hard as you can!"

His body thrust up against hers, his cock straining through the fabric of his jeans as it struggled to reach her hot, wet valley.

The pilot's voice came over the PA.

"Shit." He said. "We're going down. You guys better strap yourselves in, this is going to get mighty hairy."

The plane began to descend fast now and the look in Alex's eyes changed from raw desire to pure concern. He leaped from the floor, grabbed Melanie's clothes, and helped her to get dressed as the plane picked up speed in its descent.

They didn't say a word to each other but both felt it, the longing, and the fear that this would already be the end when they had only just met. Lovers, torn apart in the instant of their first meeting, their first sweet tryst of hot desire thwarted.

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