"That's everybody Alex, not just me."

She protested with words but her body was crying out to accept his extreme emotions. She felt it now in her underwear, the heat rising inside her loins, her thighs becoming warmer as his desperate gaze hungrily enveloped her, his dark brown hair still tousled from the fall to the floor.

She felt herself grow moist as he urged her to accept the depth of his feeling for her.

"I'm sorry." She said. "So sorry. I've just got to get to know you first. This whole thing is crazy. It's wonderful, but still crazy."

He got off the bed and stood up in front of her, the well-defined muscles of his butt and thighs rippling as he did so. He took off his sweatshirt and she could see his powerful chest and arms under his t-shirt.

"What's to know?" He repeated. "Look at me! I'm just a guy. Sure, I'm a billionaire, a golden boy rich kid, but God damn it, I'm just a guy underneath it all. I'm so sick of people not being able to see past all this bullshit and just take me for who I am."

Melanie didn't know what to say. She had been guilty of exactly the same thing. As soon as she had found out who he was, all she could think of was his wealth, status, and privilege. He held the power over her and everyone that she considered a friend at Drummond Airlines.

"I'm not better than anyone else." She said. "The truth is that I wouldn't even be here if it weren't for the money."

"You mean if it wasn't for your mother. Because that's what you want it for, right?"

She nodded her head. It was true. She would never have been railroaded into personally serving some rich guy who was trying to date her just for money. However, the chance to help her mother had overridden everything.

"Is that how you magically came up with that number?"

"What number?"

"Twelve thousand dollars for ten days of work?"

"You're worth every penny of it Melanie. It's money you're earning -- not charity or a bribe."

"You could have chosen any one of a hundred or more flight attendants but you chose me for the job. What is that if it isn't charity?"

"Melanie, you just don't get it, do you?"

He got down on one knee, his muscles bulging and rippling. He was very close to her again.

"I knew you were the one as soon as I saw you." He said, almost in a whisper.

Melanie's breath quickened, her generous cleavage heaving under the gleaming white and blue of her uniform.

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