"I'm sure the attendant you have on duty in economy will be just fine, sir."

Alex took out another one, two, three, and then a fourth note.

"She's in business class, sir." He went to snap the money from Alex's hand but Alex didn't let go.

"I'll need an upgrade." He said.

"That's gonna cost you. I could get in serious trouble over that."

"Get me a seat right in front of her and I'll make it worth your while. Double or quits."

"Go back to your seat. Leave it to me. I'll see what I can do."

Ten minutes later, the man was back.

"I think I have just the seat for you sir. Please follow me."

One thousand dollars for a seat in front of a flight attendant who works on the family airline. I must be crazy.

Alex took his seat and waited. For ten minutes there was still no sign of Melanie anywhere. Then the seatbelt sign went on and the captain's voice came over the PA system:

"We're about to experience a little turbulence ladies and gentlemen. Nothing to be alarmed about, but please do pay attention to the seatbelt signs and remain in your seats until the seatbelt sign is turned off. Flight crew, please take your seats as well."

The turbulence hit as soon as the captain had signed off.

Alex was cursing the head of the cabin crew when Melanie appeared in front of him and strapped herself in directly opposite of his seat. She was surprised to see it occupied. She didn't look happy but then she gave him that sweet smile again.

"Upgrade?" She inquired.

"Something like that."

Her eyes were red and her makeup looked like it had been hastily redone.

"Is everything okay?" He asked.

"Nothing to worry about sir." She replied. "Just a little turbulence, nothing out of the ordinary."

He smiled. "I'm not worried about the turbulence, Melanie."

"I don't understand."

"Forgive me for being forward but you look like you've been crying."

"No I haven't. I'm just tired from an overnight flight. My eyes are a little sore."

He continued looking at her and didn't buy her story for a minute. Alex Drummond may not have been the most sensitive man in the world but he had plenty of experience with women.

"It's okay." He said softly. "I'm sorry for intruding. It's just that you seem like a nice person and you looked like you were in pain, but it's my mistake. Please forgive me."

The plane began to shudder from the turbulence and they were forced to silence. Melanie couldn't help but look back at the handsome stranger who was taking such an interest in her. She hadn't noticed him until he suddenly appeared in the spot directly opposite her own. He was still looking at her and she knew he didn't believe her. It was as if she couldn't lie to him.

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