Once the final shudders of their lust and desire had passed, she lay on top of him. He was still hard inside her, but motionless. Every now and then she gave a squeeze just to remind herself that he was still there, still hard, still hers, and that this was not a dream.

"Melanie," he finally said. "I have something to tell you."

"What is it, baby?"

"It's a confession. And I don't think you're going to like it."

"I don't care what it is, Alex. You can tell me anything."

"I've never had sex like that before." He said.

"Is that it?" She squeezed his cheeks together and shook his head playfully. "Hell, neither have I. That must be what true love does."

"That's not the confession." He said quietly, his face very serious.

"What is it, sweetheart? You can tell me anything. There should be no secrets between us."

"Okay then. Do you remember when we first met?"

"Sure, I bumped into you like a big klutz and knocked that expensive bag out of your hands."

"That's right. I was angry at first but then when I saw your face I guess I just knew you were the one -- at least the smart part of me did. The dumb part was still worrying about being Alex Drummond and you being an employee of Drummond Airlines."

"That's all behind us now, Alex. Of course you were conflicted. You're a good man, you were thinking about both of us." She gave him a squeeze from inside of her and stroked his captive balls.

"I know sweetheart, but there's more. I didn't know Sebastian had already planned for you to be on our flight, but I was already thinking how I could do the same thing: get you onto our private jet, have you around me for a few hours, and be happy just being next to you."

She smiled at the thought of these billionaire brothers and their crazy date plans, arranging flights to Tahiti on private jets and then worrying if she was going to take it the wrong way. What girl could be that crazy? A date with one of these brothers on a paddleboat would be a dream, let alone a private jet en route to a tropical paradise.

"Do you remember I was piloting when the plane began to go down?"

"Sure I do. That was some crazy turbulence."

"There was some turbulence, that part is true. But that's not what made the plane go down."

She pushed herself up on top of him again and went tight around his still erect member. "What are you talking about?"

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