Melanie bit her tongue. She wanted to spill the beans on Sebastian as well, but what good would that do anyone? Then both of the brothers could lose their work, their companies, and the people to which they had dedicated their whole lives.

"So what is this meeting all about exactly? Did Alex have to describe what base he got to with the lowly flight attendant? First base is okay, but second base is trouble and a home run means he becomes a pauper overnight? Is that the protocol?"

"It's really not like that, Melanie. Mr. Drummond is a very reasonable man. What he wants to know is how deep Alex Junior's feelings for you are. If he, uh... if he loves you." He smiled a little as he said the words.

"Oh, and that would be so ridiculous, right? The great Alex Drummond Junior, falling for a flight attendant."

"You don't understand at all. Mr. Drummond has nothing but the greatest respect for all of his employees. He loves this company but you broke the golden rule. His sons are the most important thing in the world to him, so he wants to give Alex a chance to think this over before he does something he might regret for the rest of his life."

"Like choosing me over his wealth and power?"

"Look, Melanie, I don't mind telling you that you are a very beautiful woman. Any man would be lucky to have you, but let me ask you this: if you really feel for him, would you let him throw away all that money, the business he has dedicated his young life to, and his whole family, just to be with you? Would you do that to him? Could you do that to someone you truly loved?"

Melanie had no answer.

"Either way, you're out of the picture. Your career with Drummond is gone. The question is, do you want to take Alex Drummond down with you or not?"

Larry held her gaze in the rear view mirror until she broke away and looked to the floor. Tears began to well up in her eyes. He was right. She couldn't do it. Not to Alex, not even to Sebastian, as confused and devious as he was.

"Melanie, look at me." Larry said. "I'm going to ask you a question and I want you to answer for me quickly, without thinking for a second. Can you do that for me?"

Melanie nodded, rubbing the tears out of her eyes. Larry held her gaze.

"Do you love him?" He said.

Tears flowed from her eyes. "God yes, of course I do." She sobbed. Copyright 2016 - 2024