“Nothing. Just school and stuff.”

He steps closer, absently folding the cuffs of his shirt back. His eyes, hard and flat, stay on mine as he speaks. “You think I don’t know what’s going on there when I’m gone? You’d better not be lying to me, Emma.”

It’s foolish to provoke him when I’m here alone with him. But his manner just drives me crazy. “What we talk about is none of your business. I’m going to my room. When Ivy gets home, please tell her I need to speak with her.”

I move to walk past him and he grabs my arm.

“Take your hands off me.”

He yanks me closer. “What did the old man promise you, huh?”

Suddenly standing up to him seems like not only a bad idea but the stupidest idea I’ve ever had. “Nothing! I don’t know what you’re talking about. He’s just a nice old man and I visit him sometimes. He’s lonely and needs someone to talk to.”

“That’s how it always starts. He’s lonely and he finds some pretty young thing to cozy up to. Did he tell you that you’d be his next wife?”

“No, of course not. He’s old enough to be my grandfather.”

“That’s never stopped any of the others.” His eyes travel the length of my body. “And you’re definitely his type.” His breathing changes, getting rougher. He’s enjoying this and the thought sickens me. It gives me the strength I need to shove him away. Surprise works in my favor because he has to let go of my arm to keep his balance. I race for the door, leaving it hanging open as I jump over the top two steps and down to the lawn.

I’m in my car pulling away by the time he appears in the doorway. I watch him in the rearview mirror as I pull off.



When Emma returns, she goes straight to the bedroom. I follow but stop when I see her sitting on the bed. She’s texting. When she looks up, tears shimmer on her cheeks. She hasn’t noticed me yet and I’m not sure whether I should give her privacy or just run in and grab her up the way I really want to.

Every instinct tells me that I should be in there with her, but whenever I get too close, she always pulls back. The last time things got intense, she asked for time apart. So even though it’s killing me, I step back and retreat down the hall. Poochie curls around my ankles and lets out a garbled purr. I pick her up and carry her into the living room.

“You really are a funny-looking thing aren’t you?” She grumbles and purrs under my hands as I stroke her wrinkled back. It’s strange that despite how chaotic things have been lately, I feel more at peace now than ever. It makes no sense since I’m sitting alone on my couch with a cat that looks like a wrinkled old man, but the difference is I’ve made the decisions I needed to. I’m doing things with a clear head and focusing on what’s important now instead of just reacting out of fear. And I have Emma. No matter what happens going forward, I have Emma.

The rest I can figure out as it comes along.

A few minutes later, she emerges wearing one of my old Army shirts and a pair of fleece sweatpants. Her hair is up in a messy bun and she’s scrubbed all the makeup from her face. She’s gorgeous.

“Are you okay?” I don’t want to pry but she’s clearly upset. I’m not sure what it is about this girl but just the thought of anyone hurting her makes me crazy.

She sits down on the couch next to me and gives Poochie an absent scratch behind the ears. “I can’t find Ivy. She’s always been a little flighty but she’s been ignoring my calls since the weekend. I just don’t know what to do. And Jon was there when I went to pick up some stuff.”

My jaw clenches. “Did he say something to you?”

Her bottom lip trembles. “I know this is probably a little forward considering we’ve only been on two dates but can I stay with you for a while longer?”

You can stay forever.

The thought crosses my mind but I figure that would freak her out so I grab her hand. “You can stay with me for as long as you want.”

“I’ll start looking for a place tomorrow.” She laughs suddenly. “We seem to do everything out of order. Our dates end up … not really being dates. I tell you we need to take time apart and I end up driving you home as you bleed all over my car. Now I’m asking you to move in because my sister’s boyfriend is a disgusting perv. Nothing about us makes any sense.”

“I want you with me. I don’t care if it’s bad timing or out of order or doesn’t make sense.”

Her eyes lock on mine. “You don’t?”

“No. I don’t. Break the rules with me, Emma.”

She leans into me and we sink back into the cushions of the couch. Then she looks up at me with an expression of mischief on her face. “I’ll help you out around the house. This place needs a woman’s touch anyway. And another cat. I’ll help you find a friend for Poochie.”

When I look at her in disbelief, she buries her face against my neck, giggling uncontrollably. And it’s the sweetest sound in the world.

Over the next week, we settle into a rhythm. I’ve never lived with anyone before. I was expecting the usual irritants such as someone moving things from where I’ve left them and having someone in my space. What I couldn’t have predicted is the incredible beauty of having someone there when I get home. Someone who smiles at me with pure, incandescent happiness just from seeing my face.

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