All this time, I’ve been trying to put the pieces together. Why Mr. Marshall would be willing to pay so much just to establish contact with his son. Why Tank seemed so hostile toward him.

And why it all felt so wrong.

Now it makes sense. When I’d told Mr. Marshall that Tank flirted with me, I’d given him information that he’d seen as a possible weapon. He wasn’t just asking me to carry a message to his son. He was using Tank’s feelings for me to manipulate him.

And I’d played directly into his hands.

I turn to Tank and cup his face between my hands. He’s startled but leans closer, turning into the warmth of my palm.

“If you don’t want to see him, then you shouldn’t have to. Do what your heart tells you to do and nothing less.”

His eyes bore into mine like he’s trying to read the truth of my words in my gaze. Then he leans closer. He glances up at me, giving me plenty of time to back away. To turn away.

But I don’t.

His lips cover mine and soon my fingers get lost in his thick hair. His other arm lifts to hold me closer and the kiss deepens. When he kissed me before, it was all tangled up in heat and urgency. But this is completely different.

His fingers spread through my hair, holding me still as his tongue plumbs the depths of my mouth. All the while his thumb traces a soft path on my cheek. A soft noise escapes the back of my throat and the sound seems to spur him on. The way he touches me is so surprising. He treats me like I’m delicate, something he wants to protect but also like I’m the hottest thing he’s ever seen. 

Voices drift from the slightly open door behind us and then there’s the clatter of dishes in the sink. The loud sounds remind me where we are. Claire or Finn could come out at any time and catch us. I pull back and take several deep gasping breaths. Tank is just as affected. His chest heaves and he closes his eyes, fighting for control.

I’d be a liar if I said it didn’t give me immense satisfaction to watch this big, magnificent male creature fighting to control himself around me. But the longer I’m around Tank, the more I realize just how little possibility there is for us.

Even though he doesn’t know it, I’m just one more person that Tank can’t trust. One more person who wants something from him.

“I like you, Tank.”

His eyes cloud and he pulls back slightly. “There’s a ‘but’ in there somewhere. We’re amazing together, Emma. I’ve never felt this kind of chemistry with anyone before. Have you?”

“No but that doesn’t mean it’s right. If it was any other time maybe I’d say we should just go with it and have a little fun. You’re dealing with a lot and I’m still trying to get my education back on track. I think we need some time apart. To think. I don’t have time for distractions and you have distraction written all over you.”

The words seem to please him because he grins, that sexy, arrogant grin. “I’ll give you some time. But I don’t think it’ll change anything.”

“If we let it go any further, I’ll only end up liking you more.”

Suddenly his face changes. Becomes dark again. His mood swings are always so abrupt, they scare me a little. “I’m not sure I can stay away from you,” he admits.

The confession rips at my conscience. He wouldn’t feel that way if he knew why I was really here. Once he knows he’ll hate me.

And that’s what I’m really afraid of.



There’s no right way to meet your father again. It’s been twenty years since I’ve seen the man. But after my conversation with Emma a few days ago, I’ve made my decision. Spending time with my father will never be high on my priority list but getting medical care for my mother is. That’s what my heart is saying loud and clear. Save Mom. And that’s what I’m going to do.

Emma would be proud of my decision. I really wish she was here with me now. But she wanted time so I’ll give it to her. Maybe she’s right and it really is bad timing or maybe I just came on too strong. A family dinner may have been too much too soon. Plus all the drama at the dinner table would be enough to scare anyone off.

I knock on the door of my father’s hotel room. A young woman answers the door. She leans back slightly at the sight of my scowling expression. I run a hand over my face and try to look neutral. I don’t want to be here but that’s not anyone else’s problem.

“Tanner Marshall. Come in. Your father is expecting you.” She leads me to a spacious living area. “Have a seat. He’ll be out shortly.”

The hotel is pretty swank. It’s exactly the kind of place I’d expect him to be. “This is a nice hotel.”

“Yes, it is. Mr. Marshall remodeled it last year.” She smiles absently and then turns to leave the room.

“He owns the hotel?”

She gives me an odd look. “Yes, of course. He owns all of the StarCrest Hotels.”

“Of course he does.” Resentment festers just below the surface. Each one of these rooms goes for an astronomical rate. While my mom was clipping coupons and working two jobs, my father was buying hotels.

Briefly, I wonder if I’ll even recognize him. My last memories of him were from the perspective of an eight-year-old boy. What boy doesn’t think his father walks on water? But I’m a man now and I wonder what it’ll be like to meet him again this way. Will he still seem familiar?

If I could have, I would have put this meeting off. Taken some time to prepare myself. But since I agreed to his terms, I have to meet with him in thirty days or less. I don’t want to take any chances. If I keep to his agreed upon schedule then the money in my trust will continue to grow. So I’ll visit with him until I have enough to pay for all of my mom’s care. I may have to visit him to get the money but there’s nothing in that paperwork that says I have to like it. Copyright 2016 - 2024