“You don’t have an appointment today.”

He acknowledges the observation with a slight nod. “I don’t. I didn’t need all those other appointments either. But I’m sure you’ve figured that out by now.”

A warm tendril of pleasure unfurls inside me at his words. The thought had crossed my mind because he seemed to have more frequent appointments than any of our other clients but to hear him confirm it out loud is unexpected. He’s so … forward, sometimes. It’s like he has no fear, of rejection or embarrassment. Then again, considering the things he told me yesterday on our beach date, he’s had far worse to deal with in his life than a girl hurting his feelings.

“Maybe. But then maybe you flirt with every girl you meet.”

“No. I do a lot of things with you that I don’t do with anyone else.”

“Oh, you aren’t normally a beach-going kind of guy?” I tease. He’d seemed so out of place at the beach, like he wasn’t quite sure how to relax.

“Or an ask a girl out repeatedly kind of guy. I just don’t care that much as a general rule.” He tucks his hands in his pockets. “You seem to be the exception.”

“Lucky me.” I gather my things and then slide my arms into my coat. He follows behind me as I walk out of the law office. My car is parked directly in front of the door.

“You fixed it already?” I’d spent so much time obsessing over Tank that my car had completely slipped my mind.

“It turns out, I know a guy.” He laughs softly and I figure there’s probably way more to that story than I know.

“Still, thank you. If I’d had to go to my usual garage it would have taken at least a week before they’d finished with it. And they’d want my life savings and the blood of my future firstborn child.” I pull out my phone to text Ivy that I don’t need a ride anymore.

“No sacrificial lamb will be needed this time. Although, I feel bad about how off-track things got yesterday. We were interrupted, and then you end up playing hairdresser for my Mom and cleaning her kitchen. This can’t stay on my record. I need a do-over.”

“Well, the thing is I’m not going home. Today is my day to volunteer at the animal shelter.”

Tank leans closer and my breath seizes in my throat when he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. He’s so close that I can see that his eyes are actually a mixture of brown and green.

“Can’t you skip today? I really want to spend some time with you, Emma.”

Something clenches deep and low in my belly as his fingers brush over my cheek. I could skip going to the shelter but I know they really count on my help. They can’t afford to hire more people due to budget cuts. Blowing it off just to go out with a guy, a guy that I’m not even sure I really like, seems pretty crappy. A hot guy should not trump poor, sweet helpless animals. Although my libido doesn’t seem to agree. There is a completely shameless hussy inside of me that doesn’t care at all about the helpless strays at the shelter. I shake my head and open the driver’s side door of my car.

“I can’t. They really need all the help they can get. But wait, you could come with me. We could use the extra set of hands.” I smile pleadingly, hoping that he’ll come. Lusting after him isn’t so bad if he’s using those muscles to help out charity, right?

“I’m not really an animal person.”

“How can you not be an animal person? Animals give love so freely and they don’t hurt anyone. Not like people. Come on. This can be our do-over. What do you say?” I find myself holding my breath waiting for his answer.

I want this do-over just as much as he appears to. I can’t ask him more about his relationship with Mr. Marshall without making him defensive. But maybe I can find out how he feels about the rest of his family. Maybe that will give me a clue as to why he’s so against the idea of reconciling with his dad.

“Okay, you’ve convinced me.” Tank walks around the car and gets in the passenger seat. “There won’t be any interruptions this time.”



“So where is this place we’re going?” I’m prepared for the next hour or so to be pure torture. But if dealing with a bunch of pitiful creatures makes Emma more likely to give me another chance then I’ll do it.

“Near the community college. Back when I was in school, one of the guys in my biology class, Brett, mentioned that they needed volunteers. He’s studying to be a veterinarian, too. If I hadn’t had to drop out, we’d probably be in vet school together.”

“Everyone’s life takes a different path. I’m not sure why. Hell, I have absolutely no answers. But your path isn’t wrong, Emma. It’s yours and you’ll make it meaningful and right. Don’t compare yourself to others.”

“You’re completely right. I just need a reminder of that some days.” Emma smiles over at me before turning into the parking lot in front of a small white building.

“The owner, Dr. Kenya Marsh, is really appreciative of all volunteers. This place is exactly what I want to do after I finish school. I want to offer veterinarian services to people who can’t afford it. Dr. Marsh has an open clinic one Saturday per month so that everyone can make sure their animals get preventative care.”

We climb out of the car and I follow her into the white building. Emma bypasses the front desk and walks down the hall. I follow since she seems to know where she’s going. We enter a room in the back, filled with metal cages. It smells like pee.

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