“I believe this was the man that danced with you, Anna?”

I nodded my head rapidly, unable to speak. I hadn’t told anyone about the dream, and now I never would. It was too much of a coincidence for it not to be connected. Did I kill him? Did my wolf take over and the only recollection I held was what I thought was a dream?

“Did you speak to him after the dance?” Adam asked, his voice hard.

“When I was leaving…I dropped my wallet and he gave it back.”

“Sir, I was there, and we left right after,” Sawyer added.

Adam gave him a murderous glare. “I don’t believe I spoke to you.” I curled my fingers around his hand and gave a gentle squeeze. Sawyer dropped his gaze and remained silent. He didn’t know Adam’s attitude was because of me.

“Anna, everyone saw how you reacted to him. Clearly, you’re not ready to be around humans,” Eve interjected and was rewarded with a growl from Adam.

“The last time this happened it was the results of a rogue wolf. We’re not accusing you, Anna, but it doesn’t look good that you were the last to see him alive.” Adam was silent for a moment. “I’ll be assigning each of you to a group. You’ll scour the mountain and see if you can find any trace of a trespasser. This will be our base to report back to. Anna, you’ll stay here with me. You’ll be under close watch until we have proof of your innocence. Eve has the lists.” Adam motioned for me to follow him upstairs.

I was under house arrest with Adam as my warden? Giving Sawyer one last look, I followed Adam to the second floor. The house was around five thousand square feet, so there was definitely space for privacy should one need it. With a pounding heart, I entered the office that Adam disappeared into. He shut the door, and I braced myself for his punishment.

He walked over to the desk and sat on the edge. I remained by the door, not sure what I should say or do. His blonde hair hung over his eye when he looked up at me. The V-neck t-shirt he wore allowed me to see his sculpted pecs. The muscles in his arms flexed as he gripped the desk.

“Come here,” he whispered.

I stood frozen in my place. My wolf wanted to go to him, but I wanted to stay as far away as possible.

“Please,” he said, outstretching his arm towards me.

With hesitant steps, I moved closer. When I was standing within reach, he grabbed onto my hand and tugged my body between his legs. His arms encircled my waist, and he trailed his nosed between my breasts. My wolf begged for him, and I cursed the bitch. We were sated last night, more than once! How can you still be horny? I was sure that once I slept with Sawyer, she’d be happy as a clam and the attraction to Adam wouldn’t be as strong. But it seemed stronger now.

Adam looked up, his blue eyes pleading for me, softening my heart. I trailed my fingers through his hair, and he closed his eyes at my touch. I was surprised he was still interested knowing that another man had me. My plan backfired.

With a gentle hand, he steered my face towards his and pressed a soft kiss on my lips. Passion boiled to the surface, my hormones screaming for attention. Now that I was a wolf, I felt like an addict. My body demanded sex, needed it with a fury I didn’t understand. If I was going to sleep with a man, it’d only be one at a time. But how will I know what I like if I don’t sample them all? I thought about that for a minute before I squashed it. I was more human than wolf, or at least I was trying to be. In human terms, sleeping with multiple men would qualify me as a slut. As a wolf, it was just another day, another bed, and another man. The two ideals contradicted each other so harshly that my mind was one big ball of confusion. To screw or not to screw? That seemed to always be the question.

“When he was inside of you, did you wish it was me?” Adam whispered, glancing up at me. “Did you envision my hands on your body?” He ran his hands down my arms and a shiver skipped up my spine. “Was it my face you saw when you looked at him? Rode him? Kissed him?” Adam spoke so soft that his words had more of an impact. I could feel the caress of his eyes as they roamed over my body.

Adam slipped a hand under my shorts. “Did he make you as wet as I do?” His fingers buried themselves in me, and I gasped as the friction amped up my ever present desire. “Was it my cock you craved?” Adam moved his hand faster, and I clasped his shoulder to steady myself. We kept eye contact the entire time, too lost in each other’s gaze to look away. “Did you scream for me in your head? Did you picture me slamming into you, filling you?” Adam pulled my tank top down to expose my breast, his tongue flicking my nipple. “Was it my mouth you wanted on your skin? Did you wish it was me between your legs?” His movements grew faster and faster until an orgasm shot through me, leaving my legs wobbly like two wet noodles. “Does he satisfy your inner beast the way I do?” Adam withdrew his fingers and kissed me hard.

“I’ll have all of you, Anna, and make you forget him,” he said against my mouth. His dominance was sexy as hell. I wanted to rip his clothes off and have him pound into me from behind while he fisted my hair and showed me who was boss. A smile curled his lips in victory. My shield crumbled to the floor as he walked out of the room and left me stunned.

A few hours later, I showered and dressed for the day. The pack members were out trying to pick up the scent of another wolf. I thought about my dream and wondered if it was possible that I could kill someone and not remember it. The dream had been so real, to the point of being able to taste the blood and feel the bone snap. I shuddered as the memory flicked through my mind.

Filling a plate with food, I sat at the kitchen table. My intimate moment with Adam scorched my nerves and left me hyperaware of his presence. It was just the two of us in the house. Even Eve went with the rest of the pack. I wondered if that was her decision or Adam’s. Adam sauntered into the kitchen, sparing me a look. The smug smile on his lips was both sexy and infuriating. He knew he’d gotten to me. If I decided to remain strong in my decision to stay away from him, I’d have to put up four foot thick cement walls around my hungry libido.

“Did you enjoy the show last night?” I asked as I took a bite of pancake. Adam turned around and crossed his arms across his chest. Before I became a wolf I would’ve never thought I’d enjoy an audience when I slept with a man, but seeing Adam heightened the experience.

“I enjoyed the look of boredom on your face,” Adam remarked with a smirk.

“I was not bored! In fact, Sawyer entertained me several times.” I laughed when the smug smile fell off of his lips.

“Are you challenging me to show you what real entertainment feels like?” Adam quirked an eyebrow.

“No, just stating the facts. I’ve been missing out this whole time. Sex as a werewolf is powerful stuff.” And it was. Sex as a human was good, but sex as a werewolf was amazing. All of my senses were amplified, causing the surge of an orgasm to feel like pure heaven.

Adam closed the space between us, grabbed my wrist, and drew me to my feet. “Good God, woman, you won’t be happy until you’ve ruined all of me.” His lips found mine and just as he was about to tear through my clothes like a kid on Christmas morning, I stopped him. Fury blazed in his cobalt eyes.

“I’m a one-man woman,” I told him and sat back down. My wolf growled at me, but inside, I did a happy dance that I stood up to him this time. Adam ran a hand through his hair and took the seat opposite of me. If looks could kill, I’d be dead.

“So, about these previous murders,” I changed the subject. “When did they happen?”

Adam regarded me for a while, his eyes trailing towards my chest and then snapping back up. “Three months ago there were a string of animal attacks. You may have read about it in the newspaper. They sent hunters into the mountains, sure that there was a bear or mountain lion killing hikers.”

The food in my stomach turned sour. “I was supposed to die that day,” I mumbled. “That’s how you know it’s a wolf doing this?” I looked up. Flashes of my attack bombarded my mind. I still couldn’t put the incoherent pieces together and form a distinct memory of the event.

Adam nodded. “Aside from the obvious marks that clearly were from a werewolf, I smelt a wolf on you. It was faint so you must’ve been in the forest for a while before I stumbled upon you. That and the fact there’d been a string of other hikers found mauled just days before.”

“I never said thank you for saving me,” I told him. If it wasn’t for him, I’d be just another body found in the woods. He could’ve left me for dead. I’d been confused and a bit pissed about becoming a werewolf that I hadn’t taken a moment to step back and consider the other possibility. No matter how much I struggled with taming the wolf, I was happy to be alive.

“Thanks are not necessary. The only reason I brought you back here was so the hunters wouldn’t find another body and continue to search. It was to protect my pack,” Adam stated.

I frowned. “Oh.”

“That’s not to say I’m not happy you survived the bite. I wasn’t sure you would, your heartbeat was just a slight tapping in your chest. I don’t know why the wolf that attacked you didn’t finish the job, but you’re one lucky woman.”

I snorted. “That’s me, lucky.”

“So, Sawyer,” Adam said, switching the topic back to waters I didn’t want to tread.

“What about him?” I smiled and then chided myself. It seemed that happened at the mention of his name or if I thought about him. Have great sex and now you’re a sappy mess!

“I’m releasing you from your remaining dates,” Adam said like this information would be music to my ears.

“Why? Because he’s your competition?”

“I’m the alpha. I don’t have competition.” He gave me a piercing look.

“I’m not some shiny new toy you can steal so none of the other boys play with it. I’m a grown ass woman, and if I want to continue seeing Sawyer, and screwing him, then I will. I respect you, Adam, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to spread my legs for you. You’re mated to Eve, and the strong animalistic pull we have towards each other won’t change that.” I glared at him before I’d realized what I’d said. No matter how laid back he seemed around me, he was still my alpha and talking back to him wasn’t wise.

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