If Cloe needed to stay in order to feel safe, then that’s what they would do, because there was nothing on this earth that he wouldn’t do for her.

God, help him if she ever figured that out.


One week later…..

“I tagged her!” Ephraim frantically pointed out as Christofer grabbed him by the back of his neck and pulled him away from the adorable giggling baby girl rolling over on the mat.

Danni sighed contently from the sidelines where she sat between Caine’s legs. “Karma’s the best.”

“It really is,” Caine said, wrapping his arms around his mate and pulling her back as they settled in to watch the daily show.

“Chris is getting away!” Ephraim shouted, struggling to get free, but after two straight hours of getting his ass handed to him, he was too exhausted to put up much of a fight.

“You bastard!” Chris gasped from where he lay boneless on the floor, breaking his own heavily enforced rule about not swearing in front of the children. “I’m your son!”

“You’re also a Sentinel trainer so man up!” Ephraim groaned as he was yanked to his feet.

“Baby on the mat!” Chris called out, sounding almost relieved.

Christofer looked down to see baby Jessica crawling towards her daddy. With a bored sigh, he dropped Ephraim, who hit the ground with a weak grunt, and picked up the adorable baby girl who was quickly staking a claim on his heart. All the children living in the mansion had him thinking about something that he’d once refused to even consider.

But now……

Things were different.

At first he hadn’t been happy about staying here, but after seeing the others with their mates and their families he’d quickly changed his mind. He’d never thought that a future with a wife and children was in the cards for him, but now he couldn’t help but hope for more. He wanted it all, a wife, children, and a purpose in his life and now he could have it all. There was only one thing standing in his way.

The past.

He couldn’t risk a future with Cloe, not until he took care of the monsters from her past. He’d already lived a life on the run. He didn’t want that for Cloe, or God help them, their children if they were ever lucky enough to have them. He wanted to see the world with her, to live their lives without fear, but until he took care of the bastard that had marked her, they couldn’t do anything. They were stuck here, and even though he was enjoying himself more than he thought he would, they were still trapped.

“You think maybe it’s time to stop ‘Assessing’,” Danni said, making air-quotes around the word assessing, “his skills and actually move on to training him.”

“I hate you,” Chris said, trying to sit up, but only managed to fall back on the mat with a pained groan.

“Such a big baby,” Christofer said softly, smiling down at the grinning baby in his arms. “You want a chance to beat up your daddy?”

Deciding to take her excited giggle as a yes, he carried the little girl over to Chris and placed her by his side. The little girl immediately attacked, going for her daddy’s nose. No doubt she was getting a little revenge for all those games of “I’ve got your nose” where Chris stole her nose and refused to give it back. Chris took his beating like a man, properly whimpering and pleading for mercy as she continued her attack.

“I think I’m dying,” Ephraim said from his spot on the floor.

“Wimp,” Madison playfully teased as she walked in the large training room with her two baby boys in her arms and her oldest son bringing up the rear with baby CJ in his arms.

As soon as little Jessica spotted Marc, she released her hold on Chris’ nose and went for the little boy. With a patient smile, he handed CJ over to Christofer and picked up the little girl who was known to throw screaming tantrums in order to gain Marc’s attention. Sighing, Marc carried the little girl, who now had a firm grip on his nose, over to the section Chris had set up for the babies and sat down with her in his lap.

“I thought I’d go into town tonight. Does anyone want to come?” Madison asked, walking over to Danni and handed one of the babies to her.

“I think we’re going to stay in tonight,” Danni said, smiling down at the baby in her arms, which didn’t exactly surprise him since she didn’t seem to be able to do much more than sit on the sidelines when she wasn’t sleeping the day away. The woman was sick and getting sicker each day. He wondered just how long it would be before even coming downstairs to sit became too much.

“I need to patrol, but after that I can take you out if you want,” Ephraim offered, rolling over onto his side with a pained grunt.

“Will you be able to walk by then?” Madison asked, sounding thoughtful as she looked her husband over.

“Probably not,” he said, chuckling as rolled over onto his back.

“I promised Izzy that I’d watch an X-File marathon with her,” Chris said with a pained sigh that probably had more to do with the night Izzy had planned for him than the actual damage that Christofer had done to him.

“What about you, Christofer?” Madison asked as the baby boy in his arms smiled sleepily as he nodded off.

“We’ll probably just stay in,” he said, carrying the sleeping baby boy to one of the bassinets lined up against the wall and placed the baby carefully on the small bed.

“Are you sure?” Madison asked, sounding like she wanted to say more, but thankfully she kept the questions to a minimum.

That was one thing that he liked about this group, they didn’t ask too many questions. They didn’t harp on him or demand answers. They left him alone to do whatever he wanted. He could train, draw, walk the grounds or sit in the nursery with a baby in each arm in peace and enjoy the quiet-

Screams for help.

Chapter 51

“Stop!” Izzy screamed as she tried to slap Cloe’s hands away, but she’d been doing this long enough now to know that stopping was the last thing that she should do.

“She’s trying to kill me!” Izzy yelled, continuing to slap at her hands until she finally accepted the fact that Cloe wasn’t going to stop and decided that it was time to make her escape. Unfortunately for Izzy, that large belly of hers and the agonizing pain that had twisted her muscles and forced her to drop to the floor stopped her from moving more than a few inches.

“What the hell is going on?” Christofer demanded, dropping to his knees across from them.

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