“Lock me up,” he said with the sexiest grin that she’d ever seen as he dropped a pair of handcuffs on the bed next to her, making her bite back a smile as she realized that she might just be getting her curiosity assuaged after all.

Chapter 36

“Are you sure?” Cloe asked as he felt her hesitate.

Fuck no, but he didn’t have much choice in the matter, not if he wanted to make love to her. It wasn’t a perfect plan, but it was one that he felt confident would work, or at the very least, give her a chance to put him down before he could get a chance to hurt her if he lost control.

“Yes,” he heard himself answer as he forced himself to stand there as Cloe reluctantly handcuffed his hands behind his back.

When he felt the last cuff click in place, he had to close his eyes and just breathe as he reminded himself that he wasn’t in the lab anymore. The panic that tried to take over was from long ago memories better left off forgotten and that he was doing this for Cloe, his mate.

“We don’t have to do this,” Cloe said, pressing a kiss against his bare shoulder as she reached up and ran her fingers through the hair on the back of his head, soothing him.

He chuckled without humor as he looked down at the angry appendage that was about ready to explode. His chuckle quickly turned into a drawn out groan when Cloe wrapped her arms around him, bringing her body flush against his.

“Where did you get these cuffs?” she asked, pressing another kiss against his back as she ran her hands over his chest and stomach, making it difficult to think.

“I swiped them at the hotel,” he said, not bothering to point out that he’d taken them just in case she lost control since the confession would only make her stop what she was doing. There was no way in hell that he wanted her to stop touching him, especially when one very talented hand headed south.

“And the key?” she asked as her warm hand wrapped around the base of his cock.

“In my pants pocket,” was his choked answer as she ran her hand along his cock, stroking him.

“The pair that I ripped apart?” she asked, her tone sensual as she pressed another kiss against his back and her other hand headed south, tracing lazy patterns down his torso as he struggled to take in his next breath.


“Tell me something, Christofer,” she said as she continued to stroke him, the thumb of her other hand tracing lazy circles around the tip of his c**k as he struggled not to flex his h*ps for more.

“What?” he asked, licking his lips hungrily as she ran her thumb over the drop of excitement that escaped him and coated the tip, heightening his pleasure.

“How long has it been?” she asked, pressing another kiss against his back as the hand stroking him paused long enough to squeeze a moan out of him.

“Been?” he asked, trying to make sense out of what she was asking.

“Mmmhmm,” she said distractedly, pressing another kiss against his back before she dropped the hand that had been teasing the tip of his erection away and she slowly moved around him, the hard points of her ni**les dragging across his back and over his arm until she was standing in front of him. She gave his erection another squeeze before she slowly stroked him. “How long has it been?” she asked, tilting her head slightly to the side as she studied him, waiting for an answer that he wasn’t sure that he could give her.

Needing to distract her almost as much as he was dying to kiss her, he leaned down and took her mouth in a hungry kiss that had his breaths coming a little too quickly and his h*ps helplessly thrusting against her hand. He jerked his hands against his cuffs, desperate to touch her, but the damn things wouldn’t give so he settled for devouring her mouth.

The sweet smell of her sex had him tilting his head and deepening the kiss. The kiss became aggressive as he slowly thrust against her fist, loving the way her soft hand glided over his c**k and hating it at the same time. He wasn’t going to last very much longer and he was helpless to stop.

“That long, huh?” Cloe whispered hoarsely against his lips with a breathless chuckle as she released her hold on his cock, but before he could complain or beg her to touch him again, she was pushing him back on the bed and straddling his lap.

“Ah, f**k!” he groaned long and loud as her wet slit came to rest against the underside of his cock.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, her fingers digging into his hair, her br**sts pressed against his chest as she took his mouth in another hungry kiss as she pressed down against him, tracing his c**k with her wet slit and coating him in her arousal. He met her stroke for stroke, swallowing every little sweet moan and groan that escaped her lips as she ground her wet sex down against him.

“How long has it been?” she asked, threading her fingers through his hair, holding his head captive. She suckled his tongue in one long caress before she suddenly abandoned his mouth and began kissing her way down to his throat.

“How long has what been?” he repeated, licking his lips hungrily when he felt the tip of one of her fangs tease his skin when Cloe pressed an open mouthed kiss against his neck.

“How,” she started to ask in a sultry voice only to pause to press a kiss against his Adam’s apple as he dropped his head back, giving her plenty of room to drive him out of his f**king mind, “long has it been since you were with a woman?”

He groaned, letting out the curse in German that he’d learned from his father when he was five and tried to “improve” some of the priceless artwork in his father’s study. It wasn’t a question that he’d expected, but really, given the woman currently driving him out of his f**king mind, he really should have expected it.

“Does it matter?” he asked, wondering why he hadn’t used the lie that he’d prepared years ago when a woman demanded to know why he wouldn’t f**k her, but he couldn’t force the words out of his mouth, not with Cloe.

“No, not really,” she said, brushing her lips over his pulse as one of her hands dropped to his lap and wrapped around his over sensitized cock. “I’m just wondering if we should get the first one out of the way or,” she paused, her voice catching as she used her hold on his c**k to tease her core with the tip, “if we can finally stop playing around and work this out of our systems before I lose my damn mind, Christofer.”

Trembling from the effort not to come then and there as she began to settle down on his cock, he struggled to stay in control, to stop himself from coming, to stop himself from-

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