For the past five days he’d been putting them off with bullshit promises and excuses until finally, they’d had enough. They’d wasted enough time sitting on their asses waiting for answers that the compound’s leaders didn’t seem to be in any rush to give them. Even a call to Eric hadn’t garnered them the answers they wanted or reinstated their access to the secured floors.

If it had been up to Chris, he would have asked his little mate to unleash Tattletale on the compound and taken the choice out of the compound leaders’ hands sooner, but his father and Caine wanted to give the compound leaders a chance before they did anything that would start any bullshit and make their jobs more difficult. But even his father had a limit, and this morning he’d reached it.

“Nolan,” his father said in way of greeting as they reached the large Sentinel.

“I’m busy, Williams,” Nolan said as he gestured to several Sentinels to join him.

“I think you can spare ten minutes to explain why you’ve decided to deny us access to the Pytes that we brought in,” his father said, keeping stride with the man while Chris moved up to Nolan’s other side, leaving Caine to flank them, effectively cutting the compound leader off from his men.

“Not today,” Nolan said, not bothering to spare them a glance as he walked towards the double doors to the right of the front desk.

His father didn’t bother to say another word as they walked with the Sentinel leader, because there was no point. The man had made his decision, but unfortunately for him, so had they.

“What the hell?” Nolan muttered a moment later, frowning with confusion as he pressed his thumb against the security pad that controlled access to the double doors of the conference rooms and was answered by the telltale sounds of a sharp beep, denying him access. He tried several more times and was met with the same results. “Get IT on the phone and have them fix this goddamn door!” he snapped over his shoulder as he made one last attempt.

“Phones are down!” one of the women manning the front desk announced with a perplexed expression as she switched her attention from the dead phone to one of the computers lining the front desk.

“Internet is down, too!”

“What the f**k? My phone won’t work!” one of the Sentinels standing next to them snapped.

“Elevators aren’t working!”

“The front door won’t open!”

“None of the doors will open!”

“What the hell is going on?” Nolan demanded, giving up on the door as he turned his attention on the men and women standing around the large lobby, looking confused and kind of pissed.

He moved to storm past them when Chris spoke, not bothering to hide his shit-eating grin. “It appears that a very pregnant genius got pissed that you were f**king with her mate and took matters into her own hands.”

“What?” Nolan demanded harshly, his confused expression shifting as a play of emotions crossed his features from weary, to outraged and finally ending on resignation as he closed his eyes and growled, “Fucking hell.”

“Oh, look at that,” Chris mused as his father pressed his thumb to the security pad, the alarm chirping as the door unlocked, “it looks like you have ten minutes after all.”

Nolan leveled a glare on him as he stormed past him, “Asshole.”

“Caine,” his father said as he opened the doors, “why don’t you invite our guests to this meeting since this involves them”

Nolan cleared his throat, drawing everyone’s attention as he said, “That might not be such a good idea.”

“Why not?” Caine asked, pausing by the front desk.

Nolan sighed heavily as he rubbed the back of his neck and admitted, “Because we haven’t fed them in five days.”


“You’re driving me out of my f**king mind,” Christofer whispered in her ear as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her back against his body.

“Are you complaining?” she asked, moaning as his hands covered her br**sts.

“God no,” he said, leaning down and pressing a kiss against her neck as he gave her br**sts a gentle squeeze. “Not as long as you’re willing to put me out of my misery.”

“Gladly,” she said on a choked moan as she slapped her hands against the bathroom wall and pushed back against him, biting her lower lip in pleasure when the move forced the large erection pressed up against her back to caress her skin. Christofer moaned in her ear as he pressed a hungry kiss against her skin, his hands gripping her br**sts tighter as he gently thrust against her back.

“How are you feeling?” he asked, pressing a kiss between her shoulder blades.

“Good,” she moaned, tilting her h*ps back against him, “Really good.”

She could feel him smiling against her back. “Good. Then maybe it’s time that I teach you how to use some of your other abilities,” he murmured seductively as he pressed another kiss against her back. She was so caught up in that kiss that she almost missed what he’d said.


“What are you-” her question ended on a panicked gasp as she suddenly found herself turned around, picked up and pressed back against the wall.

“Stay there,” he said, releasing his hold on her only to catch her a few seconds later when she started to slide down the wall.

With a chuckle, he raised her right back to where he’d had her. “I see that you’re going to need some help with this,” he said in a conversational tone as she numbly nodded, nervously wondering what he was doing. Excitement shot through her as she enjoyed his touch and from the anticipation of learning one of the skills that she supposedly now had.

“What should I do?” she asked, reaching out to hold onto his shoulders only to find herself pushed up higher against the wall until her head was less than an foot away from the ceiling.

“Just hold onto me, mein Schatz,” he said, pressing a kiss right above her navel as he slid one hand down her thigh and placed it over his shoulder. He kissed her just below the navel as he did the same with her other leg until she found herself propped up on his shoulders with her back flat against the wall. When she started to tilt forward, she grabbed onto his head and held on.

“Now spread your legs wide for me,” he whispered, pressing another kiss against her stomach as he spread his arms and placed his hands flat against the wall. Biting her lip, she did just that, spreading her legs open until they were dangling over his large biceps. Copyright 2016 - 2024