She sighed as she leaned over him once again. “It’s fine,” she said, ignoring his apology. She knew what he was talking about and didn’t think it deemed an apology. Sure he’d been crude, but she….well….she pushed it out of her mind and focused. “I’m sure you’re sore from a week in the hospital,” she mumbled.

“Thank you.” She ignored him and focused on the warm smooth skin. After a moment she couldn’t deny that it felt good, really good to touch him so freely. She bit her lip to stop herself from leaning over and rubbing her face to his shoulder or inhaling his scent. She was in big trouble here.

Her hands drew back until they reached his shoulders than as if they had a mind of their own they ran down his arms and then up again. She enjoyed the feel of his biceps twitching beneath her hands so she did it again and again.

Ephraim slowly lay back until he was sitting against the pile of pillows she placed behind him. They locked eyes as she ran her hands once again up his arms then she allowed them to run down his chest until she found herself massaging his chest and stomach. Hard muscle rippled beneath her touch.

She was dimly aware of him pulling her leg over his lap until she was straddling him. Her eyes focused on his. He ran his hands slowly over her thighs, giving her a chance to stop him. She didn’t, she didn’t want him to stop. In fact he was going much too slow for her taste. She adjusted herself unconsciously on his lap, making him gasp.

It wasn’t until then that she realized where she was sitting. Her hands stilled over his stomach as she realized that she was sitting directly over his arousal. She licked her lips, trying to stop the soft moan that threatened to escape her as his hands moved up her sides until they cupped her br**sts through her thin shirt.

His eyes never left hers as he ran the pads of his thumbs over her hard ni**les. Her eyes threatened to close in pleasure, but she fought against the urge. His expression was unreadable as he gently massaged her br**sts. She watched as his eyes slowly turned from a beautiful calm blue to liquid red.

Madison willed her hands to move as he teased her br**sts. It felt so good. Several men groped her in the past, but it never felt this good. He gently squeezed her br**sts, directing her to lean into him. Her hands slid up his chest into his hair.

“God you’re beautiful,” he groaned as he leaned in taking her mouth in a gentle kiss. He didn’t push to deepen the kiss even though his body was screaming for it. This was too important to rush. He knew if he did that she would run away. Instead he focused on pleasuring her through touch.

Purely on instinct she began to rub her pelvis against him. His hands released her br**sts and shoved her shirt up until her br**sts were free. His mouth latched onto one hard nipple, sucking hard while she moved against him.

Her movements were frantic as she searched for a release that she desperately needed. Hot liquid was pooling in her painfully swollen sex. She had to get it, needed it as she increased her movements. Ephraim reached down between them and ripped his towel open so that she could get closer.

She felt the difference immediately. Mere seconds ago he felt good but now that the towel was out of the way he felt heavenly. Without the towel his hard shaft was pressed firmly between the lips of her sex. The only thing separating them was the thin material of her cotton shorts. She couldn’t get enough as she panted and moved desperately on him.

Ephraim’s eyes rolled in the back of his head as she rode him. Never in a million years had he expected this. The virginal Madison was wild on his lap. He could smell how aroused she was and it made him harder than he’d ever been in his very long life. He gripped her h*ps and moved her harder against him.

Suddenly his mouth released her nipple as he dropped his head back and groaned loudly. “Ah f**k, Madison, f**k you’re so wet, baby.”

She’d be embarrassed, later. Right now it felt too damn good to care. If possible she began grinding against him harder. His grip tightened on her h*ps as he exhaled loudly, “Fuck it, my turn.”

Before she could say anything he had her on her back. His hand held one of her br**sts firmly pushing it up so he could lick and suck on it while he began grinding into her.

“Ephraim!” she cried out as he positioned the tip of his erection against the wet cloth that covered her until it was pushing between the folds. He thrust gently against her, teasing her center with the cloth covered tip of his erection.

He grunted and groaned as he worked to pleasure her. Madison spread her legs even further for him while she ran her hands down to his bare backside and cupped him. He growled against her br**sts.

“Oh, please don’t stop,” she whimpered.

He growled louder and moved harder against her savagely. She wasn’t overly concerned when she heard fabric rip. His erection was quickly creating a hole in her small shorts. It felt too good to complain.

In seconds the large tip of his c**k was in her. A loud growl filled the room as the first sensation of being inside of her shot through him. She was unbelievably tight and so f**king wet and hot. He forced himself not to push further knowing that she would hate him. Madison’s head dropped back as she moaned loudly. He raised himself up, making sure not to push further into her and reached down to rub his thumb over her clit.

She grabbed the bed spread and started thrashing beneath him. Her h*ps rolled up trying to push him further in, but he pulled back just enough.

“Ephraim…Ephraim!” He licked his lips as she cl**axed. It was the most erotic thing he’d ever seen. She was still cl**axing as his fangs dropped. He pushed them back. This was for her, not him.

When she was finally done she closed her eyes and steadied her breathing. She became aware of several things at once. She just had the most powerful orgasm of her life. The tip of Ephraim’s penis was in her. Worst of all, he watched as she came. Her cheeks heated as she gently pushed him.

He felt the change in her at once and knew all he had to do was kiss and touch her again and he could have her. Instead to his own surprise he backed off and watched as she righted her clothes and walked out of the room without looking back at him. At the door she paused and mumbled, “Please forget this ever happened.”

“Okay.” He reluctantly agreed to give her some comfort, but he would never forget. Couldn’t. Even now he wanted to bring her back into his bed. For the first time in his life he didn’t just want sex with a woman. He wanted all of her.

Chapter 10

“Is he still there?” Madison whispered. She didn’t know why she even bothered whispering since he would hear her. Copyright 2016 - 2024