Why the hell did everyone assume he was scared of Brian? “Oh, I’m not.” That got an even bigger chuckle out of him.

The doctor came into the room soon after, and though Ian was apprehensive about what he would tell them, at least it put an effective end to the awkward conversation. Happily, he had good news. Her bleeding had subsided, her ultrasound looked great, her blood work was solid. She could go home and take it easy for a few days and watch for any other weirdness.

As they left the hospital after the discharge paperwork, her parents walked on ahead and Gabby hung back with Ian, lacing her fingers through his. In his entire life, he couldn’t remember a feeling as sweet as her being at his side. No more secrets, nothing to hide.

Chapter Sixteen

Gabby rode back to her parents’ house with her mother while Ian went back to work. The entire time, Gianna remained quiet and tense—not a good sign where she was concerned. If she was angry, you knew it. For her to be bottling her emotions, stewing in silence, it meant she was up to something.

But Gabby was too exhausted to even puzzle over it, and she certainly didn’t want to get into whatever was going on in her mother’s mind. As soon as she got home, she eased her way up the stairs—waving away Gianna’s offered assistance the entire time—and crawled into her bed. Almost as soon as her head hit the pillow, she was out.

Darkness greeted her when her eyes opened. Fuzzily, she attempted to focus on the clock, groaning when she saw it was almost midnight. No doubt Ian had been trying to contact her, but her phone was in her purse, which was across the room by the door. An earthquake probably wouldn’t have awakened her. She slid from the bed and got her phone.

Sure enough, a missed call, three text messages and a voice mail. He was worried about her. She dialed him back, and he answered right away.

“Are you okay? Fuck. I wanted to grab Brian by the throat and make him tell me where you live.”

“I’m fine. I fell asleep. How’s Brian?”

“Barely speaking to me, but he hasn’t fired me or hit me yet. Guess he’s waiting to cool off before we have the ‘long f**king chat’ he promised.”

“Are you home?”

“Yeah. I want you here, baby.”

“Then I’m on my way. I’ll bring some clothes.”

She was going to grab Brian herself. How dare he? As she threw a few days’ worth of her clothes in an overnight bag, she contemplated calling the little shit, but then remembered she was about to be staying only a few apartments down from him. What she had to say was better said face-to-face. Damn him.

Gabby swept her arm across the cosmetics on her vanity, shoving them all in her bag, then zipped it up and changed into a cami and more yoga pants—which would most likely be her uniform for the next seven months. And probably for months after. Slinging the strap of her bag over her shoulder, she headed out the door and repaired her sloppy ponytail as she took the stairs down.

Her mother’s voice stopped her as she reached for the front doorknob. “Where are you going?”

Whirling, she saw Gianna sitting in the parlor in full view of the door, looking as if she’d been there awhile. It wasn’t like her to stay up late. She was dressed in silky lounge pants, and a half-empty glass of wine sat on the end table beside her.

“I’m going to Ian’s.”

Her mom’s gaze drifted to the heavy bag bumping against Gabby’s hip. “For how long?”

“I don’t know. I need to get out of here for a while.”

“Why? Have we done something wrong besides worry ourselves sick about you?”

“Please don’t—”

Gianna put up a quelling hand. “Do not try to tell me not to worry about you. I don’t know why you can’t simply talk to us. Is sneaking out like this the way to handle things?”

“I’m not sneaking anywhere. I fell asleep, and I didn’t mean to. What I meant to do was rest until Ian told me he was heading home, and then go see him.” She lifted her free shoulder in a shrug. “It just worked out this way.”

“So you’re leaving. You’re moving in with this man.”

“I’m not moving in with him. But I want to spend some time with the father of my child, yes. I don’t get it—wouldn’t you consider that a good thing?”

“Just be careful, Gabriella.”

That made her laugh. “I think the worst has already happened, Mom.”

Gianna shook her head and stood, collecting her wineglass. “Not necessarily,” she said, walking past her without another word.

So much for her mother being excited about another grandchild. She honestly hadn’t expected this. Sighing, she let herself out into the heavy, humid night air.

Five minutes later, Ian’s door swung open, and he immediately reached to take her bag from her shoulder. Before he could do anything with it, she pitched herself into his arms and put her mouth on his, the very thing she’d wanted to do ever since he’d walked into her room at the hospital.

“Mmm,” he groaned as their lips parted at last, then sighed as he buried his face in the hair at her neck. “I’m glad you’re here.” She held him tight, savoring the safety of his arms.

“Me too,” she whispered. But there were things to clear up, a conversation she was burning to have, and she needed to get it out before she exploded. Not with him, though. With her little-shit brother. “First thing,” she said, drawing back from the comfort of his embrace and missing it immediately. “Let’s go see Brian.”

“It’s late—”

“I don’t give a damn. You know he’s still up.”

“Or out scrounging for watermelon Oreos.”

“What? Gross. Let’s go.”

He followed her purposeful steps as she headed to Brian and Candace’s apartment, but he tried to talk her out of it the whole time. She wasn’t having it. She pounded on their door until it flew open and her brother stood there, shirtless and pissed off.

“What the f**k, Gab?”

She glanced back to make sure Ian was still behind her. He was, but he looked rather pale. She stuck her finger in her brother’s face just as Brian was opening his mouth to say more. “Do you mean to stand there and tell me that after everything you went through to end up with that sweet girl in there, after you knocked the shit out of her brother, after you pretty much did with her whatever the f**k you wanted no matter what her family thought, you’re going to give him shit for being with me? Really, Brian? Are you going to stand there and tell me that?” She’d been poking him in his naked chest to punctuate each point she made, but now she cupped her hand behind her ear and gestured at him to bring it with her other. “Come on. Say it. Let me hear you try to say that to me. Right now.”

Brian stood gaping. No words came. She smacked him on his inked pec. “I thought so. Now that hopefully you realize what a hypocrite you’re being, I expect you to not be a shit to him anymore.”

Brian glanced at Ian and then waved toward her. “That’s all yours, man. My condolences, and don’t say I never warned you.” And he shut the door, muttering, “Fucking crazy” under his breath.

Gabby chuckled and turned. “There. Handled.”

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