All this time Hester is patiently waiting to serve Sylvia, who is

standing before her a little shy, a little perplexed and distracted,

by the sight of so many pretty things.

Hester was a tall young woman, sparely yet largely formed, of a

grave aspect, which made her look older than she really was. Her

thick brown hair was smoothly taken off her broad forehead, and put

in a very orderly fashion, under her linen cap; her face was a

little square, and her complexion sallow, though the texture of her

skin was fine. Her gray eyes were very pleasant, because they looked

at you so honestly and kindly; her mouth was slightly compressed, as

most have it who are in the habit of restraining their feelings; but

when she spoke you did not perceive this, and her rare smile slowly

breaking forth showed her white even teeth, and when accompanied, as

it generally was, by a sudden uplifting of her soft eyes, it made

her countenance very winning. She was dressed in stuff of sober

colours, both in accordance with her own taste, and in unasked

compliance with the religious customs of the Fosters; but Hester

herself was not a Friend.

Sylvia, standing opposite, not looking at Hester, but gazing at the

ribbons in the shop window, as if hardly conscious that any one

awaited the expression of her wishes, was a great contrast; ready to

smile or to pout, or to show her feelings in any way, with a

character as undeveloped as a child's, affectionate, wilful,

naughty, tiresome, charming, anything, in fact, at present that the

chances of an hour called out. Hester thought her customer the

prettiest creature ever seen, in the moment she had for admiration

before Sylvia turned round and, recalled to herself, began,-

'Oh, I beg your pardon, miss; I was thinking what may the price of

yon crimson ribbon be?' Hester said nothing, but went to examine the shop-mark.

'Oh! I did not mean that I wanted any, I only want some stuff for a

cloak. Thank you, miss, but I am very sorry--some duffle, please.'

Hester silently replaced the ribbon and went in search of the

duffle. While she was gone Sylvia was addressed by the very person

she most wished to avoid, and whose absence she had rejoiced over on

first entering the shop, her cousin Philip Hepburn.

He was a serious-looking young man, tall, but with a slight stoop in

his shoulders, brought on by his occupation. He had thick hair

standing off from his forehead in a peculiar but not unpleasing

manner; a long face, with a slightly aquiline nose, dark eyes, and a

long upper lip, which gave a disagreeable aspect to a face that

might otherwise have been good-looking. Copyright 2016 - 2024