For a moment or two the brothers were disappointed at not hearing

any reply from either of them. Then Philip stood up, for he felt as

if anything he could say sitting down would not be sufficiently

expressive of gratitude, and William instantly followed his example.

Hepburn began in a formal manner, something the way in which he had

read in the York newspapers that honourable members returned thanks

when their health was given.

'I can hardly express my feelings' (Coulson nudged him) 'his

feelings, too--of gratitude. Oh, Master John! Master Jeremiah, I

thought it might come i' time; nay, I've thought it might come afore

long; but I niver thought as it would be so much, or made so easy.

We've got good kind friends--we have, have we not, William?--and

we'll do our best, and I hope as we shall come up to their wishes.'

Philip's voice quivered a little, as some remembrance passed across

his mind; at this unusual moment of expansion out it came. 'I wish

mother could ha' seen this day.'

'She shall see a better day, my lad, when thy name and William's is

painted over t' shop-door, and J. and J. Foster blacked out.'

'Nay, master,' said William, 'that mun never be. I'd a'most sooner

not come in for the business. Anyhow, it must be 'late J. and J.

Foster,' and I'm not sure as I can stomach that.'

'Well, well, William,' said John Foster, highly gratified, 'there be

time enough to talk over that. There was one thing more to be said,

was there not, brother Jeremiah? We do not wish to have this talked

over in Monkshaven until shortly before the time when yo' must enter

on the business. We have our own arrangements to make wi' regard to

the banking concern, and there'll be lawyer's work to do, after

yo've examined books and looked over stock again together; may-be

we've overstated it, or t' fixtures aren't worth so much as we said.

Anyhow yo' must each on yo' give us yo'r word for to keep fra'

naming this night's conversation to any one. Meantime, Jeremiah and

I will have to pay accounts, and take a kind of farewell of the

merchants and manufacturers with whom Fosters have had dealings this

seventy or eighty year; and when and where it seems fitting to us we

will take one of yo' to introduce as our successors and friends. But

all that's to come. But yo' must each give us yo'r word not to name

what has passed here to any one till further speech on the subject

has passed between us.' Coulson immediately gave the promise. Copyright 2016 - 2024