“You want another drink?” He turned toward the bar.

Jennifer tilted her head and gave him a look that made him feel guilty. “I like this song.”


Eric hesitated, but took her hand anyway. They walked out to the dance floor. She wasted no time wrapping her arms around his neck, and pressed her body against him. He’d had a looser embrace in mind, but at this point he had no choice in the matter. She’d all but draped herself on him and leaned her face against his chest. Feeling her br**sts pushed on his chest, he thought of what Sofia would say if she saw them. He held her gently, but in no way wanted to encourage anything inappropriate.

The song was finally over and people clapped. Eric took advantage to undo their embrace and pulled away to clap. They started up another slow song. No way was he doing that again. “I need a drink and some air.”

No sooner had he said it, and her hand was in his again. Her behavior, most likely alcohol induced, was sobering him up. With that in mind, he ordered a beer instead of hard liquor. Jennifer ordered another fancy mixed drink.

“Remember.” Eric shot her a warning look. “Those kinds of drinks tend to sneak up on you.”

Jennifer giggled. “Too late!”

They headed back outside to the balcony. As soon as they reached it and Eric rested his elbow against the rail, Jennifer leaned into him. She seemed a little dizzy and Eric held her up. “Whoa, you okay?”

She did a little more giggling and moved her hair away from her face. “Maybe I better not drink this.”

Eric took the drink she held up and placed it on the rail. “Yeah, maybe not.”

“I’m not just saying this because I’ve been drinking, but I think you’re incredibly sexy.” She traced his lips with her finger.

Eric smiled, feeling a little nervous, and pulled her hand gently away from his lips. “Alright, maybe we should get you some water.”

“No, Eric, I’m serious.” She stood up a little straighter and leaned into him again. “When my sister told me I was going to be hanging out with her boyfriend’s son, I was worried about who’d I’d be stuck with. But when I saw you, I could hardly contain myself.”

“I’m flattered.” Eric had to admit it felt good. But he was careful about his response. He knew no matter how mad he was at Sofia, doing anything with Jennifer was out of the question. “You’re not too hard on the eyes, either. Trust me, if I didn’t have a girlfriend, I would’ve already been trying to get to know more about your situation.”

Her lips curled and she stared him down with a wicked smile. “Well, my situation is, I live in New York, not California like my sister. We only see each other on rare occasions. That’s why I decided to tag along with her on this trip. So I don’t mind that you have a girlfriend, because after I leave Spain, it’ll probably be years before I see you again.” She licked her lips, tracing a finger down his chest. “Assuming, that is, that Tina and your dad stay together.”

Having never been in this position, Eric wasn’t sure what the best way was to respond. Before he could, she leaned in and pecked his lips.

Eric backed away. “Jennifer—”

“Call me Jenny.” She stepped forward again.

With the rail behind him, he had nowhere else to move. “Jenny, my girlfriend would absolutely mind—”

“Don’t tell her.” She pressed her body against his, still smiling as her hand grazed over the front of his pants.

Eric flinched. No way was he going there. As much as he loved Sofia, Jennifer was sexier than hell and he was, after all, a man. There were certain parts of his body that would have a harder time rejecting her, if rubbed the right way. He switched places with her, making her the vulnerable one against the rail. “Listen, sweetheart. I’m sure any guy would jump at the chance to be with you—”

“But not you.”

Her offended expression tugged at him, making him feel like a jerk. “I’m sorry. I can’t.”

After the awkward conversation, things went from bad to worse. Jennifer grabbed her drink, insisting she needed it. A few big gulps later, she brought her hand to her mouth and said she needed to find a restroom, fast. She didn’t make it, throwing up in her hands just before she got to the door. Eric held the door for her as she ran in. A few minutes later, two very concerned-looking women walked out asking if he was the sick young lady’s boyfriend.

“I’m a friend of hers,” Eric replied. “Is she okay?”

“No,” The heavier of the two said. “She’s in there throwing up, and sobbing in between.”

Wonderful. Eric glanced around until he spotted his dad and Tina. “Lemme go get her sister.”

He was glad the two women walked back in the restroom. He hated to think of Jennifer in there alone. Tina rushed to the restroom as soon as he told her. He and his father followed right behind.

Before his dad could say anything, he explained about the last drink she shouldn’t have had, but did anyway. He didn’t mention why, though. They sat outside by the closest table to the restrooms waiting. The party was nowhere near being over. There were people dancing on chairs and tables still. Even his dad was still drinking.

Tina finally came out of the restroom. She glanced at Eric then asked if she could speak to his dad alone. His dad stood up and walked a few feet away from the table where Eric sat. The music was so loud there was no way Eric could hear what they were saying even from that close a distance.

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