He kept a deadpan expression. Sofia almost expected him to smirk like he had in the past. “What did he say?”

“He was mad, Brandon… and hurt.” God would she be regretting that slip for the rest of her life? “And rightfully so, but he’s over it now. I just can’t be around you. When he finds out you followed me here, he’s gonna be pissed.”

“So don’t tell him.” Brandon shook his head. “Why would you tell him about the kiss in the first place?”

“I had to. Eric and I have always been honest with each other about everything. It didn’t feel right to keep something like that from him.” She put her car key in her pocket and connected the earphones to her phone. This conversation was over.

“I’ve always known you were special, Sof.”

Sofia glanced up at him. He was smiling. The moment with him in his room came to her, the things he’s said to her and she hadn’t protested. The last thing she was feeling right now was special.

“You think if I talk to Eric—you know, apologize? Maybe your brothers would feel a little differently? I’d hate for things to end between us like this.”

Sofia shook her head. “The damage is done, Brandon. We had a chance to be friends, and we blew it. Eric was actually okay with me running with you until…” She didn’t even want to think about it anymore. “You better go, Brandon. My brothers won’t be happy when they hear about this. Neither will Eric.”

“I really wish you’d reconsider letting me talk to Eric. Maybe if I start with your brothers. Sal… well, he was a little too pissed for me to talk to the day he came over, but he’s probably calmed down by now.”

That surprised Sofia, but if Sal was too pissed, she could only imagine how Angel and Alex would react to Brandon trying to convince them to let him come around her.

“No, Brandon. It’s really not a good idea. I promise you. It would probably only make things worse.”

His wounded expression made her feel bad. She felt for him. Even if her brothers and Eric would never believe it, she knew he was a good guy deep inside. “I’m sorry.”

“Yeah, me too.”

With her run shot, she had to stop after only ten minutes. A knot had formed in her stomach and she couldn’t help thinking about the conversation she was going to have with Eric. Even worse, she wondered if she should tell Alex and Angel at all. There was no holding those two back when enraged, and she knew they would be.

She called Sal as soon as she got in the car. He was the only one who’d be calm enough to give her some sound advice.

“No, don’t tell them,” was his immediate answer to her question.

Sofia breathed a sigh of relief. “I’d hold off on telling Eric, too. Unless you think he’s not gonna be mad. You’ll probably ruin his New Year’s Eve. When I get home tomorrow, I’ll talk to Alex and Angel. But yd A toou did the right thing, Sofie. That guy is, and always has been, bad news. He has no business trying to hang around you. I just hope he’s not stupid enough to try to talk to Alex or Angel before I get home.”

Sofia hoped so to. She took Sal’s advice and decided she’d wait until after New Year’s Eve to tell Eric.


Eric’s dad and Tina were arriving the morning of New Year’s Eve. Both school and the company he was interning at were closed for the holiday. The next few days he’d be free to spend with his dad and Tina. He wasn’t exactly looking forward to it. He’d only been around her a few times. It wasn’t that she was so young. His dad had always stayed very physically fit. He looked damn good for his age, so the age difference wasn’t that obvious. She was just the first woman his dad had ever brought home for Eric to meet. It was still awkward.

He was meeting them for breakfast in the restaurant in the hotel they were staying. The place was over the top, ritzy, but he expected nothing less from his dad. He walked around in the lobby where his dad said he’d meet him. The artwork on the walls was incredible. He was taking one in when he heard his name.

He turned to see his dad with Tina and a girl, approaching him. His dad hugged him when he was close enough and smiled big. “So how you liking it so far?”

Eric nodded, feeling a little self-conscious. “It’s been amazing.”

His dad seemed pleased, smiling even bigger. “Good, I’m glad you’re enjoying it.” He turned to Tina and the girl. “You’ve met Tina.”

Eric leaned over and shook her hand. “Yeah, hey, Tina. Nice to see you again.”

Tina greeted him back with that somewhat timid smile he remembered from the first time he met her.

“And this is Tina’s youngest sister, Jennifer.” Eric was just reaching his hand over to shake Jennifer’s when his dad added, “She’s your age.” He turned back to Jennifer, “Eric just turned twenty-one this year also.”

Jennifer smiled at him, but not quite as timidly as her older sister. Both sisters shared the same red hair, but unlike Tina’s straight shorter do, Jennifer’s hair hung in long, tight curls. It was the first thing he’d noticed when he saw them walking to him. If he had to describe her in word, it would be bright. From her hair, to her light blue eyes, right down to her whiter-than-white teeth, even her freckles were bright.

“Eric maybe you could show Jennifer some of the places the younger crowds frequent while we’re here.”

Eric shot his dad a look, but knowing both sisters eyes were watching, it wasn’t quite as severe as he wanted it to be. “I have school and the internship—”

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