“You’re kidding me? That’s all the teachers and counselors ever harped about.”

“Yeah, like I was listening,” he scoffed. “So I actually went down there and picked up the information on the Marines and started reading up on it. That’s how I decided it was the best thing for me. I knew college wasn’t for me, and it would get me away from my dad. I felt bad about leaving my mom, but sometimes I got the feeling she felt worse about me having to see all the crap he did than her having to live with it.”

He stared at Sofia for a moment. She’d always known there was more to Brandon, even back then. Hearing him talk about his family now made her feel terrible. It wasn’t his fault. She couldn’t even imagine being such a loner and no family support.

“Seeing me as a Marine changed something in my dad. It’s like suddenly he had something to be proud of. Everything in my life changed, including my dad. Life at home is so much better now. I always said I had to thank you some day formally.”

“No way, just ‘cause I mentioned the career center? Brandon, I’m sure you would’ve heard about it eventually.” She laughed nervously.

“It’s not just that, Sof. You were so kind to me even after all I’d done to you as kids, and if it hadn’t been for you I probably wouldn’t ever showed up to class. I think that class was the only one I never ditched.”

“You just needed a little push, that’s all.”

“And you were it. I was close to spiraling out of control. If it hadn’t been for me listening to you, who knows where I might’ve ended up?”

There was an uncomfortable silence for a moment, then Sofia cleared her throat. “I don’t think I did much to deserve that kind of credit, but I will say I’m really glad everything turned out the way it did for you.”

“I have something I’d like for you to see. You think you can come over my house one of these days?”

His sensual stare was now softer. Running with him was one thing. Going to his house would be crossing so many lines. Not just with Eric, but she was sure her brothers would have a fit. Since he’d steered clear and not been a pest his last year here, her brothers had actually begun to talk to him a little, but she knew they still didn’t trust him completely.

“You wouldn’t even have to come in. I can bring it out to the porch.” His eyes implored. He reached over and squeezed her shoe. Her eyes took in his muscular forearm and immediately felt weird about it.

“Yeah, I could do that.”

“How ‘bout right now?” He squeezed her shoe again. “You have ti“ ditme?”

Last night, Naomi’s words kept ringing in her head. Don’t you ever get curious? Only the words kept her sleepless, because she was certain Eric had become curious. It felt wrong, but damn it, she wasn’t even having coffee with Brandon. All she was doing was going to his to see what he wanted to show her. “Actually, I do have a few minutes.”



In an instant, Brandon was on his feet. He held his hand out to help Sofia up. She felt his tight grip as she stood and he didn’t immediately let go once she was up, either. She pulled her hand away and dusted herself off. “This guy’s probably ready for lunch, anyway.” Brandon bent over messed with Troop’s ears.

“What are you gonna do with him when you leave?” Sofia asked as they started walking.

“He’s actually my mom’s. I got him for her. She’s always loved dogs, but I’m beginning to wonder if it was such a good idea. I thought she’d be a little more enthusiastic about walking him, but she really hasn’t shown much interest in it. I hope he’s not just gonna sit in the yard until I get back.”

Without even thinking about it, she offered, “I can walk him sometimes if you want.”

Brandon turned to her and smiled. “Really? That’d be great.”

Sofia smiled, glancing back down at Troop, who was prancing along happily beside Brandon. When they got to Brandon’s house, Sofia stood at the front door, not sure if she should go in or not.

“You can come in if you want,” Brandon called from inside.

She didn’t really want to, but she felt a little rude. She took a few steps inside and stood in the front room. The smell of cigarettes was so overpowering, her hand was immediately over her nose. No one appeared to be home. “Are your parents here?”

“No,” Brandon responded from one of the bedrooms. “My dad had an appointment.”

Great. She had to make this fast. She was really beginning to feel anxious about being there. Brandon finally walked out of the hallway holding a photo album. Feeling rude, she casually moved her hand away from her nose. “C’mere,” he said, walking toward the dining room table that was just off the side of the front room.

She walked over slowly. Even though she felt anxious, there was something oddly exciting about being there with him. He set the album down on the table and pulled a chair out. He motioned for her to sit next to him and she did. He opened the album. The first picture was an eight by ten head shot of him in his formal camouflage marine uniform, beret and everything. His expression was very hard. It was impressive, almost sexy.

“Wow. You look so grown up.”

“That’s how I feel now. It’s weird I felt so lost for so many years. You have no idea what the Marines have done for me. It’s the best thing I could’ve done. her dit sat’s ho

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