Her mom finally conceded with a smile. “Okay.” She leaned over and kissed Sofia on the forehead, then stood up. “I’ll make an appointment for you this week.”

Sofia jumped up from the bed and hugged her mother. “Thank you. I love you.”

“I love you too, Mija.” She raised an eyebrow. “Now, we both know this is your business and no one else’s, but I’m sure your brothers will see it otherwise. Be discreet, Sofia. I don’t have to tell you what might happen if they ever walk in on—”

“Oh God, I know. Don’t worry.”

As soon as her mother left her room, Sofia grabbed her phone and texted Eric.

Guess what?

His response was immediate.


She was so excited she couldn’t text fast enough.

I’m getting on the pill this week. My mom’s taking me.

A second later, her phone rang.

“What happened?”

Sofia gushed as she told him about the entire conversation. When she was done, he was silent for a moment. His only response, “So your dad knows?”

Sofia couldn’t help laughing.

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Change is good

Adapting to Eric no longer being in school with her wasn’t easy. He was also going to college and working now, so that made it harder for them to be together as often as Sofia would have liked.

Sofia was a senior now. School was far more demanding and she was still on the track team. She was not about to give her parents a reason to take back her permission to have a boyfriend, not that at this point anything could keep her and Eric apart, but she liked not having to sneak around. So she spent a lot of time studying.

One of the biggest changes now that Angel and Eric were no longer in school with her was boys were really opening up to Sofia. It was new and exciting, but Eric’s senior ring hung on the chain around her neck, faithfully. Still, that didn’t mean she never flirted. With her brothers gone, she discovered just how big a flirt she could be, and she relished it.

As the year went by, she and Eric fell into a routine. During the week, they saw so much less of each other than they had the year before and that past summer, but it worked out. She was just glad Eric hadn’t gone away to school. She would’ve never lived through that. Even now, she saw less of him during the week, but she saw him at least twice and they spoke every day, not to mention texted all the time, and of course, they made love frantically, every chance they got.

Late her senior year, while Eric was busy cramming for finals, she finally decided to show up and surprise him at his job. He worked in a big home electronics store at the mall. She’d stopped by at his job before, but he was always so busy he hardly had time to visit with her. So she hadn’t dropped in on him in a while. This was the longest they’d gone in a while without seeing each other. He’d been busy cramming for finals all week. She could tell he was a little worried about his grades, so she stayed away and let him study.

It was a Friday night and the place was busy. It only took her a moment to spot him. He was helping a customer, and she decided to go around the aisle and come up from behind him, to surprise him. She strolled up and waited for him to finish with the customer.

The girl he helped looked older than Sofia. Sofia hadn’t paid attention to the conversation until the girl laughed a little too loud. Then Eric laughed with her.

“Eric, you know I’m a tech idiot,” the girl teased, “that software you installed for me on Tuesday is still sitting there on my computer, untouched. You’re gonna hav kresede to come over and install this one for me.”

“How hard is it to put the disc in and follow the prompts?”

The girl laughed again, making the hair on Sofia’s arm stand up.

“I could probably drop by on my way home if you want. It’ll only take a few minutes.”

“And then you’ll show me how to use it?”

Eric’s laugh was like none Sofia had ever heard. It made her stomach turn. “It’s not that hard, Nicky. But yeah, I can walk you through it.”

“Yay, you’re a doll. I’ll make you fish tacos, and I already have Coronas chilling in the fridge.”

Sofia held her breath. Say you can’t—you won’t.

“Fish tacos and a cold beer, sounds good.”

Sofia walked away and out of the store, choking in anger. He’d been to this bitch’s house this week to install software, but he hadn’t had time for her all week? He hadn’t called her all day to mention anything about getting together tonight, so she’d assumed he was busy studying again.

She hit the speed dial on her phone and called him. When he didn’t answer, she called right back. Never once this entire time had she questioned Eric’s faithfulness. Sure, she’d worried a little when he started college about all the college girls he’d be meeting, but once he started, and nothing changed between them, she felt certain she could trust him. He’d loved her since they were kids. He told her this all the time. The jealousy burned her up. She called until he answered, pacing outside the store.

“What is it, Sof? I’m working. I’m not supposed to answer my phone.”

“Am I gonna see you tonight?”

He paused. “That’s what you’re calling about?” He paused again for a moment. “I don’t know, babe. I still gotta cram.”

Her stomach bottomed out. Without thinking, the words flew out, “Fuck you, Eric! I hope you enjoy Nicky’s tacos, because I’m never cooking for you again!”

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