Sofia had told Sarah about what her father had said years ago. She turned to make sure her brothers were out of hearing range, then back to Sarah. She leaned on the center island across from Sarah. “Do you ever worry about getting pregnant?”

Her question wiped the smile right off Sarah’s face. Her eyes widened. “Iinit [ed.pregnm on the pill.” Sofia stared at her without saying anything. “You’re not thinking of…”

Warm tears filled Sofia’s eyes. Sarah stood. “You have?”

Sofia nodded, wiping her eyes. The last thing she needed was her brothers walking in asking questions. It took a moment for it to sink in, but Sofia saw the moment it did in Sarah’s head.

“Oh my God, you think you are?” She looked as panicked as Sofia felt.

“I don’t know.”

Sarah didn’t say anything else, just stood there staring at her.

“I haven’t actually missed my period yet. I’m supposed to get it today.” She explained about never being late and always getting it in the morning. Saying it out loud had the opposite effect she thought it would. Sofia expected to feel better sharing with someone else. Instead, it made the reality of it jump at her. “I don’t know what I’ll do.”

Sarah stopped staring to glance out the window. “Alex,” she whispered.

Sofia turned so see him walking toward the door. She turned her back quickly and opened the refrigerator. The tears had begun to fill her eyes again. Alex would definitely have questions.

The door opened, and he came in. She pretended to dig through the cold-cut drawer when the freezer door was opened. “Can I get in here, Sof?’

She moved over to give him room. The doorbell rang.

“I’ll get it.” Sarah’s voice was a near yelp.

Sofia had moved over to the sink by the time Sarah walked back in the kitchen with Eric in tow. Alex was still busy filling a baggie with ice.

Still feeling very emotional, the sight of Eric nearly choked her.

“You ready?”

Alex turned to Eric. “Angel can take her, but you can stay and help me get my weights in the garage.”

Eric glanced at Sofia. “You sure? I can take her, come back, and help you. Angel said he had to study.”

Alex finished with the ice and walked over to add some water to the baggy. “Nah.” He didn’t look up from the faucet. “Angel’s got it. Come out here and help me. He walked toward the back door. “Romero’s more trouble than he is help. I told him it was too heavy, but you know him,” he chuckled, “dropped it right on his toe.”

Eric laughed, then turned to Sofia, a bit thwarted. For once, Alex’s unbending character had come in handy. Sofia knew she’d be tempted to mention her worry to Eric. There was no way she’d be getting any sleep tonight if she didn’t get her period today. No sense in both of them losing sleep… yet.



Nothing. Absolutely nothing, could prepare Eric for the horror those four little words could spawn. I missed my period.

Her big, anxious eyes stared at him, her lip already quivering. Eric had never felt faint in his life, but he was sure this was what it felt like. He had to remind himself to breathe. For a moment there, he thought his own lip would start to quiver. “How late are you?”

“A day, but I’m never late.”

Eric brought his fist to his mouth. Damn! He couldn’t let her see what he was feeling. He’d always thought if he ever got someone pregnant, the worst thing would be to have to tell his dad. Telling his dad didn’t even compare to the terror of having to tell her brothers. Alex would kill him, and that was no exaggeration. All three of her brothers would take turns on him, but that wasn’t even the worst of it. Angel had trusted him completely, gave him the benefit of the doubt even after the New Year’s incident, and this is how Eric repaid him?

“I should’ve got it yesterday.” Sofia began to cry. “I wanted to wait longer to tell you, but I’m so sick with worry. I couldn’t stand it.”

Eric leaned over and hugged her. They sat in his car just outside the restaurant. Now he knew why she didn’t want to tell him there. He’d noticed something was wrong the moment she walked out of the restaurant, and he insisted she tell him right then and there. He pulled back and started up the car. If anyone walked out now and saw her sitting in his car crying, it might get back to her brothers.

He drove a few blocks before pulling into a residential street and parking.

“Sarah says it’s too early to take a pregnancy test.”

“You told Sarah?” The words came out much louder than he’d intended.

“Yes, don’t be mad please. I had to tell someone. I was going crazy. She won’t say anything. I promise.”

The thought of Angels’ girlfriend knowing about them scared the living crap out of him, but he doubted Sarah would be willing to be the one to break the news to Angel even if they asked her to. “What did she say about the test?”

“If I take it too soon, it might be a false negative so I should wait.”

“How long?”

“Few more days.”

Eric wiped the tear that slid down her cheek. He’d always hated seeing her cry. He slipped his hand in hers and brought it to his lips, kissing it softly. “Let’s not worry yet. You might not be.”

After drop ^ght/di soping her off at home, he drove to his house. He’d barely taken a few steps inside when he rushed to the restroom and puked violently. His head had been in such a fog when he drove up to his driveway that either he hadn’t noticed his dads’ car parked there, or he’d just walked in, but he startled Eric. “You’ve been drinking, Eric?” Copyright 2016 - 2024