“I don’t think I could ever be classed as hot, Ally.” I was pretty sure she’d had too much sun.

“That’s because you’ve never been shown how. I’m gonna fix that tonight. We’re about the same size in clothes, so you can wear one of my dresses. One that’s gonna have Rome all freaked out.”

“Go for it, Molls. Why not have Bullet panting to f**k your fine ass!” Cass added, doing her best to be encouraging.

Tipping my head back, I groaned loudly. “Not a bloody chance. What do you think this is, some flippin’ cheesy teen movie or something?”

Anger showed in Ally’s brown eyes. “My makeover skills are unrivalled. You’re doing it.”

I stared at Ally’s face and bowed my head. “Ah, sod it! I’m actually pretty intrigued to see what you manage with all this,” I said, gesturing to my mountain of hair.

She dropped her frown and danced on her seat. “Doubt me if you will, but Rome will go crazy when he sees you. We’ll tell him to meet us at nine and not a minute before.”

“Whatever you say. Just don’t make me regret this!”

The game kicked off for the second half and in the end, they won. Rome did his usual interviews after the match, and Austin was given MVP, which had Lexi flipping about the place in sheer joy.

I stood at my seat, waiting for the crowds to calm before telling him we were heading home. With a slap on the back to his teammates, Rome came running over and when he reached me, he picked me up and swung me around, causing the men to jeer and the women to “aww.”

I wrapped my arms around his neck and whispered, “Well done, baby. I’m so proud of you.”

“Thank you,” he croaked with a raspy voice full with emotion, and he brushed a feather-light kiss on my lips. When he lowered me to the floor, Ally came over and hugged him in congratulations.

Rome took my hand. “Stay here, okay? I’ll be back soon, and I’ll take you out for dinner before we head to the club.”

“No can do. I’m taking her home to get ready now,” informed Ally with a saccharine smile.

The look Romeo shot her should have had her recoiling in fear, but she simply smacked his arm and said, “Don’t bother pulling that shit on me, Rome. You can be without her for a few hours.”

His eyes narrowed menacingly. “I don’t want to be. I’m taking her out, end of discussion.”

I put my hands on his face. “Go eat with the guys and come to our house at nine. Please… for me.”

“Fine. For you. But I’ll be there at nine on the dot and you’d better be ready,” he growled and branded me with a fiery kiss before smacking me on the arse, a bit harder than was deemed playful, and walked back to the field in a dark, sullen mood.

I sighed. “Great, now he’s pissed off with me.”

Ally shrugged. “He’ll get over it.”

“You’d better be right.”

* * *

“What do you think?” Ally asked as she uncovered my eyes in front of the full-length mirror.

“Fuck me!” I whispered as I stared at the girl in the reflection, catching the girls giggling in the background.

“Looking like that, Molls, I may just do that!” Cass joked, flicking her tongue out suggestively.

“Told you I was good,” Ally said smugly.

“That you did,” I replied, still struck by the sight.

Ally had certainly delivered. I didn’t even recognise the girl looking back at me. She had long, smooth hair, straight at the top and loose barrel curls at the ends. Slices of caramel lifted the espresso colour, giving it a sun-kissed feel, and her skin was brightened by a bronze shimmer. Smoky eyes made her golden-brown eyes striking and her hourglass figure was flattered by the short fitted, body-con black dress, strapless with a structured sweetheart neckline, with high black cowboy boots finishing off the look.

My staring in the mirror was interrupted by a fervent knock at the door, and Cait entered the room. “Hey Ally, Rome and the guys are waiting for you downstairs.” Cait blinked in surprise. “Molly… I almost didn’t recognise you. You look drop-dead gorgeous, honey.”

“Thanks, Cait,” I replied with a deep blush.

We headed down the stairs, and I saw Romeo at the bottom, dressed in a red plaid shirt, folded at the sleeves, and low dark jeans—he looked so bloody gorgeous.

Austin, who was in his usual all black, saw us first. I watched as his eyes widened on realisation that the girl at the back was me. Rome was sharing a joke with Jimmy-Don as he casually leaned against the door, and Reece began tapping at his arm. Romeo swung his head to him, scowling in annoyance, but Reece ignored his stern stare and pointed wordlessly my way.

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