With no answers to his dilemma in sight, he stared out into the darkness.

Chapter Thirty

HAVEN DIDN’T QUITE KNOW WHAT TO MAKE OF SOME of the other players offering themselves up for interviews about Trevor. But as she sat there and watched the team practice, she noticed Trevor would talk to one of the players, who would nod, and then later on make his way over to her.

She rolled her eyes, feeling manipulated and irritated. Who was in charge of this interview, anyway? So whenever one of the guys came over and offered himself up, she politely turned him down, telling him she’d look him up later if she had any questions about Trevor.

Damn the man for always wanting to control things. Maybe she’d put that in her bio piece about him.

God forbid he should hand over the reins of control to a woman, letting her be in charge.

Though he hadn’t minded whenever she’d wanted to climb on top of him during sex. She’d been in charge then, hadn’t she?

As she saw him dash down the field, the ball sailing in the air and landing in Trevor’s arms, goose bumps pricked her skin. She vividly recalled herself naked, riding Trevor’s lean hips while he dug his fingers into her flesh, urging her to take them both right to the edge, then over. Her ni**les tightened, her pu**y quivering with the need to—

Dammit. Shaking herself out of her self-induced sex dream, she forced her attention on Trevor’s confident jaunt back to the huddle. She caught him taking a quick glance up at her sitting on the sidelines. He gave her a knowing smile, almost as if he’d been aware of what she’d been thinking.

No way. It wasn’t like her body was giving off sexual pheromones or she was holding up an I Need to Get Laid sign or anything. He had just smiled at her. That was all it had been. Like a Hi, how’s it going? kind of thing.


It had just been one night apart. And maybe she hadn’t slept much and she’d stared out at the dark water outside her window instead of sleeping, lost in her own thoughts. She could have been cuddled up next to Trevor’s warm body, or mixed in a tangle of arms and legs, her body moving under—or over—his, wildly crying out in orgasm, instead of sleeping in a cold bed all by herself.

She might as well get used to that, because as soon as the interview was over, that was what she’d be doing every night.

Forcing her thoughts back to her work, she fixed her attention on the notes she’d spent the past few hours making, then put her laptop aside and grabbed her camera. Andy was working film, but she wanted some still shots as well.

She walked the sidelines, framing Trevor as he stood in the huddle. As tall as he was, it was easy to pick him out of all the amazingly athletic players. Or maybe it was just that she could easily call him out. Either way, she grabbed a shot of him bending over in the huddle, and then getting into position as the offense readied for the next play. He charged down the sideline and she took several pictures, getting one of him making a spectacular grab, his body stretched out, his feet leaving the ground as he reached up for the ball.

That was going to be a great still shot. She took several more, just of him, and of him with his team, before going back to her seat.

After practice, she waited for him to shower, then met him at the entrance.

“Good practice?” she asked.

“Yeah. I think we’re ready for Dallas this weekend.”


“I’m going to hit the showers. Oh, and Larry, the receivers coach, has invited a bunch of the receivers to dinner at his place tonight. It’s going to be relaxed, talk strategy. Guys are bringing wives and girlfriends.”

“I’m not a girlfriend. And obviously not a wife.”

“No, but you have to eat, right?”

After their conversation last night, she didn’t know how she felt about going with him. But declining would be petty, and she wasn’t petty. Besides, it would give her an opportunity to see him in action—at least socially—with the other receivers, and the job came first. “Yes, I do have to eat.”

“So that’s a yes?”


“Great. I’ll meet you back at the house. Dinner’s at seven.”

She left and headed back to the house. She had a few things to talk to him about. She had a great idea she’d come up with during her hours of nonsleep last night, when she’d gone over his bio and reviewed his charity work. She thought it would be a great piece for the interview and she knew he’d love the idea, because it would feature one of his charities. She couldn’t wait to run it by him.

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