“Like nothing I’ve ever felt before. And Gavin is the same way. Even when Genevieve is up all night, he’ll get up with me to change her and he’ll hold her and walk with her when she’s crying. We’ve both learned a new kind of patience we never thought we’d have.”

Haven smiled. “I’m very happy for both of you.”

“Thanks. Now tell me what you do.”

“I’m working for the network, doing an extensive interview and bio on Trevor.”

“He’s a fine one,” Liz said, picking up her glass of water. “Oh, so talented. Not many athletes have been able to do what he’s done.”

Haven spotted Trevor in a group of his teammates, laughing at something one of them said. She felt a little tingle when he looked her way and smiled. “I know. He definitely has that ‘it’ factor.”

“He’s also very sexy, and no woman has managed to pin him down yet. Will you be delving into his personal life at all during your piece?”

“Mmmm, somewhat. At least as far as he lets me. I know a little about him because we went to college together. My parents were his dorm parents.”

“Oh, I like that connection. Gives you a bit of an up on the personal side.”

“I don’t know about that. But he said he only agreed to do this if I was the one to interview him.”

Liz studied her, her blue-eyed gaze intent on her. “Hmm. Maybe he likes you.”

“I don’t think so. I think he trusts me not to screw him over and make him look bad.”

Liz looked across the room at Trevor, then back at her. “Oh, I don’t know about that, Haven. I’ve seen him casting looks your way. It’s more than just him trusting you. There’s some kind of chemistry thing going on between you.”

The room suddenly felt warmer. “You think so?”

“Believe me, a woman knows these things. I’m surprised you haven’t caught on to those heated glances he’s throwing your way.”

“Who’s throwing heated glances whose way?”

Alicia, who’d asked the question, took a seat next to them.

“Trevor. At Haven. She seems oblivious,” Liz said.


Haven was mortified and wanted to go hide in the bathroom. “He’s not looking at me in any kind of way. We’ve never had . . . that kind of relationship.”

“Well, maybe it’s time you did. After all, the two of you have known each other forever. Maybe he’s had a crush on you for years. Like, since college.”

Haven shot Liz a look. “I can assure you he never even noticed me in college. I tutored him back then, and he was way more interested in getting away from me so he could go party or play football than he was in getting in my pants.”

“Considering how hot and gorgeous you are, I’d wager he wants in your pants now,” Alicia said with a knowing smile.

Haven couldn’t help but let out a laugh at that comment. “Well, thanks. I think. But that ship has sailed. We have a professional working relationship, so that simply can’t happen.”

Liz looked at Alicia, and the two of them laughed.

“Gavin and I very much had a professional working relationship,” Liz said. “And now our daughter is sleeping peacefully upstairs.”

“So did Garrett and I,” Alicia added. “And we’re getting married in a few months.”

“That’s great for you two. But I have no intention of marrying Trevor.”

“No one says you have to,” Liz said. “But for God’s sake, don’t let work get in the way of having some fun with a hot man.”

She’d never thought of it that way, had purposely avoided trying to feel anything for the past—God, for the past year. Her emotions, her feelings—everything—had been shut down after her dad’s death.

Now, though, it seemed as if she was slowly awakening again. Feeling again.

Wanting again.

At the worst possible time.

“It’s not a good time for me. My dad passed away last year, and I’m just now getting my feet wet in this new job. I have to focus.”

Alicia grasped her hand.

“I’m sorry,” Liz said. “That had to have been so hard for you.”

“It was. It’s kept me in a funk. He and I were really close. I’m glad to have this new assignment, because I just started working for the network and it’s a great opportunity. I don’t want to do anything to screw it up.”

“And you think messing around with Trevor would jeopardize your job?” Alicia asked.

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