His gaze whips over to mine in surprise before returning to the road. “Wow.”

“I mostly do makeup tutorials like the one you saw today. But I also do some fashion stuff, especially on social media. I have a makeup brand launching in a few months.”


I nod happily, always excited to talk about this labor of love. And the fact that he hasn’t said the words stupid or ridiculous are huge bonus points for him. “We’ll start with an eyeshadow palette and four lip glosses, then build from there. I’ve already formulated everything, the colors are set to go, and I approve the packaging later this month.”

“That’s fantastic,” he says. “And explains all of the boxes of makeup sitting on your dining table.”

“Yeah, I get deliveries all the time. With my following, I’m considered an influencer, so companies send me products to use in my videos, to give reviews, that sort of thing. Sometimes, I’m sent to different locations for product launches and fashion shows. And I do some modeling for my own stuff, as well.”

“You’re busy,” he says and reaches over to take my hand. I don’t pull away.

I don’t want to pull away.

“It’s been a wild ride,” I agree. “But let’s be honest, I get to play with girly girl things every single day. It’s the best thing ever.”

He smiles. “You’re a natural in front of the camera, and you’re stunning.”

“Thank you.” I feel the blush on my cheeks, uncomfortable with the compliment, and glance out of the window, then point at a bakery called Succulent Sweets to my right. “Oh, stop here!”

“The bakery?” he asks, pulling into a parking space out front.

“Yes, I know the owner, and I need to send Will a thank you for the condoms.”

I hop out of Wyatt’s Lexus and hurry into Nic’s bakery, happy to see her standing behind the case of beautiful sweets.

“Lia,” she says with a smile and walks around to give me a hug. “I heard you were in town.”

“Here I am,” I say with a nod and then gesture to Wyatt. “Nic, this is my neighbor, Wyatt.”

“I’ve already heard about you, too,” Nic says, holding out her hand for his, and I scowl. Nic laughs. “Honey, news travels quickly in this family.”

“You’re related?” Wyatt asks.

“I’m married to Matt, Lia’s cousin,” Nic explains. “What can I do for you?”

“I need to send some thank you cupcakes to Will. Whatever his favorite is.”

“So, every cupcake in the shop, because Will doesn’t discriminate when it comes to food.” She rolls her eyes as she reaches for a to-go box.

“Yeah, just throw in one of each,” I reply with a nod, then pull out my phone to text Will. Where are you? I have something for you.

He replies almost immediately. Just leaving training. Want to meet me here?

Perfect! Yes, give me twenty.

I turn to Wyatt. “Do you mind if we run these over to him? He’s just leaving training camp, and he’s going to wait for us in the parking lot.”

“Are you talking about Will Montgomery?” he asks and swallows hard.

“Yes, he’s my cousin. Do you mind if we deliver these to him?”

Wyatt shakes his head. “I don’t mind.”

“He’ll love them,” Nic says as she passes the box to me.

“How much do I owe you?”

“Nothing. Family doesn’t pay,” she replies and waves me off.

“You’re going to go broke,” I say and pass the box to Wyatt when he reaches for it. “Our family is too big to always give out freebies.”

“I think I’ll be fine,” she says with a laugh. “And I’m excited for girls’ night out on Friday. I’ll see you then.”

“Absolutely. Have a great week.”

We climb back into Wyatt’s car. “Do you need directions to the training center?”

“Yes,” he says with a laugh. “I don’t exactly hang out there on a regular basis.”

“It’s easy, even I can remember how to get there, and I haven’t been there in years.” I get us off in the direction of where we’ll meet up with Will and then look over at Wyatt and grin. “Are you overwhelmed by me yet?”

“I was overwhelmed by you last night,” he says and pulls my hand up to his lips. “I’m more intrigued today. Do you know everyone in Seattle?”

“I’m related to almost everyone,” I reply with a shrug. “We have a big family. I have two siblings, but I have six cousins, including Will. Seven if you count Natalie.”


“Long story, but you’ll probably meet her eventually.” I feel my eyes widen and I cover my mouth with my hand. “I’m sorry, I’m being very presumptuous.”

“Presume away,” he says. “Keep talking.”

“It’s just a big, loud family. All of the cousins are married with kids, and we’ve brought their families into the fold. It’s just a lot.”

“And what are we thanking Will for?”

I grin. “He threw the box of condoms in my bag last night when I was at his place for dinner. He thought he was just being funny, but . . . here we are.”

“I should have paid for the cupcakes,” Wyatt says, making me laugh. I point to the little Mustang sitting in the parking lot ahead.

“That’s him.”

Wyatt pulls up next to him, and I get out as Will does, reach for the cupcakes in the back seat, and join him.

“Hey, what’s up?”

“I brought you some grateful cupcakes.”

“For what?”

I smile and glance over at Wyatt, who has just joined us. “For the condoms.”

Will’s eyebrows both climb onto his forehead, and then he pins Wyatt with a cold stare.

“Who the hell are you?”

“This is Wyatt,” I reply and roll my eyes.

“Pleasure,” Wyatt says, holding out his hand to shake Will’s. Will’s jaw is clenched tight, and he grips Wyatt’s hand harder than necessary, making me roll my eyes again.

“Why are you trying to look like a badass? You’re not Caleb or Matt.”

He looks offended. “Caleb and Matt aren’t the only ones who are badass.”

“Well, stop it. I brought you food, and Wyatt’s a nice guy.” I prop my hands on my hips. “If you didn’t want me to have sex, you shouldn’t have given me the condoms.”

“Give me the fucking cupcakes,” he growls and then pins Wyatt with another grouchy scowl. “If you hurt her, I’ll turn you inside out.”

“So noted,” Wyatt says with a nod.

“Good Lord, you’re a caveman. I’m hungry, so we’re leaving now.” I pat Will’s arm. “Go eat your empty calories. And save some for Meg.”

“Meg didn’t buy the rubbers,” he grumbles as he climbs into his car.

“I’m starving,” I say and then laugh. “And I’m sorry for that. Clearly, we’re not dating or anything. I should have explained that to him so he’d lay off.”

“I think if you’d have said, ‘this is Wyatt, the guy I screwed in the middle of the night, but he’s just my neighbor,’ I would be turned inside out right now. Besides, this is a date. So we’re dating.”

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