Yes, he’s quite happy with my decision to move, and that only cements for me that it’s the right decision.

I woke early this morning, and couldn’t resist pulling on some clothes, grabbing a cup of coffee, and coming down to the gazebo to watch the world wake up. Whales were breaching when I first arrived, but I haven’t seen any in a while.

I can’t believe how different my life is, even from just a year ago. Vinnie was still harassing me, trying to tie the divorce up in court.

I guess that latter part is still happening, but I have a feeling we’re almost finished with that. Even if I have to pay him more money, he’ll be gone for good soon.

I thought I was happy in L.A., running a social media empire, attending fashion shows and influencer parties. Not that those things aren’t fun. They’re a blast. But it’s also nothing at all compared to what I have in Seattle.

And I haven’t lost that. I’ll be in L.A. monthly to work on my makeup brand and attend many of those things. I can’t believe it’s real, but it looks like I’m going to have the best of both worlds, and to say that I’m a bit giddy is an understatement.

I don’t remember the last time I felt this happy. Lighthearted. Like the weight of the world wasn’t draped over my shoulders, making me feel as if I were being pounded into the earth.

All I’ve ever wanted is to follow my passion and be supported in that. Vinnie hated everything about what I did. Hated. He mocked me and made me feel small. He hurt me.

And now, I feel as if I can do anything because Wyatt is happy to encourage and support me. He rejoices in my success with me. He’s my rock.

My phone pings with a text, and I smile at Wyatt’s name.

I lost you.

All of this is because of him. This happiness. This contentedness. This freedom. Ironic, isn’t it, that being in a relationship with someone wonderful is freeing?

On the gazebo with my coffee. Didn’t want to wake you.

I didn’t know that I was so empty inside in L.A. That I was missing something. Not that I’m not a whole person by myself. I am. I’m not one of those people who think I need someone else to complete me.

But Wyatt complements me beautifully. Where I’m a dreamer, he’s a thinker. Where I’m silly, he’s grounded.

And the love he shows me is unlike anything I’ve ever known. There are no strings. No expectations.

Just love.

“Hey, beautiful,” he says as he joins me, carrying his own mug of coffee and a small carafe. “I brought more so you wouldn’t have to go up for it.”

This, right here, is what I’m talking about. He’s thoughtful and kind.

He owns my heart.


“That’s what I have for you today, friends. I hope this tutorial helped you with how to use your highlighters and bronzers. I’ll link the products I used today below, and be sure to comment to let me know what some of your favorite products are. I’ll see you next week, but in the meantime, remember, you’re already beautiful, just the way you are. Have a great week, everyone.”

She clicks a button, and the recording stops. Without missing a beat, she immediately goes back to the beginning of the video to scrutinize herself.

She’s fucking amazing to watch when she’s working.

“I brought you something,” I say, catching her attention. Her blue eyes light up when she looks up at me, and I want to scoop her up and take her to the bedroom.

Do not pass go, do not collect the two hundred dollars.

“We had a deal,” she says, pointing her manicured finger at me.

“What deal was that?” My voice is full of innocent bafflement, even though I know damn well what deal it was.

“No hanky-panky while we’re both trying to work,” she says, taking the plate of fruit and yogurt away from me. “You’re looking at me with the look.”

“The look?”

“The sexy look,” she clarifies. She pops a blueberry into her mouth. “There’s no time for you and your sexy looks.”

I smirk and watch as she pops a strawberry into her mouth and chews happily.

“I didn’t even know I was hungry.”

“That’s what I’m here for,” I remind her, then lean down to lightly kiss her. “How much more work do you have here?”

“At least a couple of hours,” she replies, blowing a breath through her lips. “I’m sorry. You don’t have to stay if you’re bored.”

“I have plenty of my own work.” I kiss the top of her head and glance down at the screen where she’s already started editing the video. “You look amazing on camera.”

“Thanks.” She smiles and takes a bite of yogurt. “It’s the lights.”

“It’s the woman.” I kiss her head again, breathing in the fresh scent of her. “I’ll be in the other room if you need anything.”

“Thanks.” She doesn’t even glance up when I leave the room, already engrossed in her work.

She looks fierce, sitting there with her hair down, her makeup flawless, and that little frown between her eyebrows as she scrutinizes every second of the video, making sure it’s just so.

Her work ethic is admirable.

There are many reasons to love her. I’m completely enamored with her.

When she told me last weekend at the beach house that she’d decided to move to Seattle, I felt like I won the fucking lottery. I knew that I’d never be able to say goodbye to her when the time came. Long distance relationships just don’t work.

At least, I’ve never known anyone to make it work.

And I want this to work.

Now, I don’t have to go through the agony of knowing she’s far away, wondering what she’s doing, missing her. I want us to be a part of each other’s lives, every day.

While she’s been in her office, I’ve made myself a makeshift work area in the dining room. I have my laptop, iPad, and paper, not to mention, plenty of coffee. I could easily go home to work, but it’s been nice knowing that she’s just right upstairs.

I can hear her voice, and it doesn’t interrupt my flow in the least. It soothes me in a way I never expected.

Before I can dive back into the task at hand, my phone rings.

“Hey, Levi.”

“Am I interrupting?”

“Nope. What’s up?”

“I might have mentioned to Mom that Jace and I are coming to your place on Sunday, and she invited herself.”

“That’s fine.” I lean back in the chair and scratch my cheek. “There will be plenty of food.”

“I just felt bad. I mean, how do I tell her she’s not invited without hurting her feelings?”

“It’s fine,” I repeat and smile when I hear Amelia talking to herself. “She has to meet the parents sooner or later, right?”

“If you’re willing to let her meet Mom, you’re smitten.”

“I am,” I confirm.

“Do you need us to bring anything?”

“No, it’s going to be casual. And Amelia invited her brother and sister, as well.”

“I’m sorry, am I talking to Wyatt? My brother? The one who’s been commitmentphobic for a few years and never would have hosted a party like this at his house?”

“Ha ha, smartass. I’ve hosted parties.”

“Not grown-up parties, with families and stuff.” Copyright 2016 - 2024