“I mean, look at her,” he says with a smile, his arms crossed over his chest, and hip leaning against the countertop.

“Jules is right. Y’all are a little disgusting.”


“Do you need all of that?” Wyatt asks a week later as I gather my things to go out of town with him for a few days. Jules and Nate invited us to go to their beach house on the coast, and I couldn’t be more excited. Our trip to Orcas Island was fun and new, but the Washington coast is my home away from home, and I haven’t been out there for a few years.

I’m practically giddy.

“I don’t understand the words coming out of your mouth,” I reply and turn from my suitcase, propping my hands on my hips and blowing a strand of hair out of my face. Wyatt smirks as he pushes his blue Henley up his forearms, revealing the ink on his arm, and my lady bits quiver.

They fucking quiver.

“All I’m saying is,” he continues, but then stops when I keep staring at his arm. “Hey, my eyes are up here.”

“That’s what she said.” I look up at him and smile. “I have a thing for your ink. I don’t know what it is. I’ve seen other men with tattoos before, but I didn’t want to nibble on them quite the way I do with yours.”

“Well, that’s handy,” he says and smiles at me in that way he does when he’s particularly amused with me. “May I finish?”

“By all means.”

“We’re only going to be gone for three days. You’re not even taking your camera.”

“I know. I filmed two videos ahead of time this week, and Nat came over, and we did a bunch of photos for social media, so I have plenty to post. I’m ahead of the game. I just need my phone and my laptop. Nate assures me that the Wi-Fi is good, so I’m ready.”

“So why do you need ten outfits?”

“Because I’m a woman and I don’t know what the temperature will be at the beach. A girl needs options, Wyatt. Don’t you know this by now?”

He shakes his head and laughs softly.

“I don’t think this is a high-glam weekend. Not that I don’t love it when you get dolled up.”

“Really?” I smile and lean in to kiss his muscular shoulder. “That’s sweet.”

“Haven’t you figured it out? I love every look you have, and you have many.”

Could he be any sweeter?

“If you keep saying things like that, we’ll be late,” I reply and turn back to keep throwing things into my suitcase. Actually, throwing is the wrong word. I have a system, with packing cubes and lists.

It feeds my organized soul.

“Did I tell you that the pool will be open when we get back?” I ask and do a little booty shake in excitement.

“About six times since we woke up,” he replies with a laugh. “You love that pool.”

“I know it seems silly, but I really do. I like to work outside when I can, and it’s just so peaceful out there with the trees and privacy.”

“It’s a great outdoor space,” he agrees. “You don’t have a pool in L.A.?”

“My building does, but it’s not private, and it’s not nearly this nice. Besides, it’s usually too hot to sit by the pool.”

My phone rings, and I frown when I see Jules’ name.

“Oh no,” I mutter before accepting the call. “Please tell me you don’t need to cancel.”

“I could, but then I’d be lying, and I don’t like to do that,” she says, then sighs. “I’m sorry, Lia, Stella came down with a bug, and I don’t like leaving her when she’s sick. Nate and I are going to have to sit this one out.”

“Well, damn.”

I toss a pair of panties on the bed and sit on the edge of it dejectedly.

“You and Wyatt should still totally go.”

Hope springs. “Are you sure? We can plan it for another time.”

“No, I mean it. Nate’s minions already stocked the place with groceries and the linens are fresh. Even the gazebo has been cleaned, and the cushions replaced this year. It’s beautiful, and if you don’t go, it’ll go to waste.”

“That might be a bit dramatic,” I reply with a smile. “But I won’t say no.”

“Good. I’ll text you the code to the front door. Enjoy it. And if you have any issues, just call, and Nate will take care of it right away.”

“Nate sure is handy.”

“Girl, you have no idea.” She laughs and then groans. “Shit, Stella just threw up in her bed. If anyone ever tells you that being a parent is always glamorous, they’re lying. Love you. Have fun. I’m totally jealous.”

“Thanks again, and I hope she feels better.”

I end the call and glance up to find Wyatt leaning his shoulder on the wall, his hands tucked into his pockets, watching me.

“We’re going alone,” I say. “Stella’s sick.”

“And they’re okay with us still going?”

“Jules insisted.” I stand and continue packing. “And, frankly, I don’t want to say no. I’ve been to Nate’s place once before, and it’s so nice. Are you still up for it?”

“A chance to get you alone at the beach for three days? Hell, yes, I’m still up for it. And just so you know, you’ll need way less clothes now that it’s just the two of us.”

I laugh, but when I look back at him and see the lust in his eyes, I know he’s not kidding.

I can’t fucking wait.

The McKenna beach house is beautiful. A blue, two-story home with a wrap-around porch and tall evergreen trees surrounding it. It’s both elegant and comfortable.

The front door is wide, pine, and has a beach scene etched into the oval glass.

“Wow, I was expecting something more—”

“Rustic?” I ask with a smile as I help Wyatt pull our bags out of the back of his Lexus. “I know. But this is way better than a rustic cabin. Come on, I’ll show you.”

Someone decorated the space in subtle beachy tones, blues and greys in the furniture and rugs. There’s an enormous rock fireplace in the middle of the living area.

Jules hung photos from their wedding and baby photos of Stella on the walls. They’re in black and white, and immediately draw my eye.

“Let’s take our bags upstairs, and then I want to go down to the beach,” I say, and Wyatt nods, still looking around.

We choose a bedroom that faces the ocean but isn’t the master. Once our toiletries are unpacked, we make our way downstairs.

“This kitchen is amazing.” I run my hand over the black granite, enjoying the brightness of the white cabinets, and the huge French doors that lead out to the backside of the wrap-around porch.

“The ocean is churning today,” Wyatt says, standing at the doors, his hands on his hips as he watches the waves below. “And we’re up awfully high.”

“I know, there’s a staircase down to the beach,” I reply as I open the fridge and take stock of our supplies. “Man, Jules was right. Nate had the place stocked well.”

“Excellent. We won’t have to leave.” Wyatt walks to me and circles his arms around my waist, burying his face in my neck. “I have you all to myself.”

“You have me all to yourself when we’re at home,” I remind him.

“Not the same,” he says, his lips moving deliciously over my skin. “Family could show up any minute. Work interrupts. It’s always something.”

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