He returned my grin, and fuck me, there needed to be more of that shit in my life.  Smiles from Donovan lit my world.  “I’m domesticated, baby.  My mother taught me well,” he said.

“I look forward to meeting her one day.  The wonderful woman who produced a man as good as you.”

His eyes widened, and his shoulders tightened.

I pulled his face down to mine to get close.  “I don’t mean right away.  When you’re ready,” I said softly.

He nodded.  “Yeah,” he said, gruffly.  “She’d like you.  She’s always asking me when I’m gonna find a woman and settle down.”

“She sounds amazing, and I have no doubt she is.  I mean, any woman who can teach their son to look after a woman the way you do must be a good woman.”

“She is a good woman.  I just wish she’d met a good man to share that with.”

He still seemed a little uncomfortable with this conversation so I reached around and smacked his ass.  “I’m hungry.  Feed me.”

The grin returned to his face, and he gave me another quick kiss before moving into action.  He’d found everything he needed and a couple of moments later had food on plates and coffee in mugs.

I eyed all the food he’d cooked.  “Are you really hungry?”

“No.  I made enough for Annie, too.  Wasn’t sure if she’d want any, but figured I’d make some in case.”

My heart fluttered in my chest.  “Thank you,” I whispered.

He nodded.  “Yeah.”


Confused eyes came to mine.  “What?”

I walked to where he was, placed my hand gently on his chest, looked up into his eyes, and said, “No, I’m not thanking you for cooking breakfast.  I’m thanking you for being you. For being so good, so kind . . . so thoughtful.  I’ve never had that from a man in my life, not even from my father.  I know this thing between us is only new, and what I’m about to say might not be what you’re ready to hear . . . fuck, I’m not sure it’s what I’m ready to say, but I have to say it.  I need you to know it.”

He stared at me, waiting for what I had to let him know.  I couldn’t read his emotion.  It didn’t matter anyway; this was more for me than for him.  He could do whatever he wanted with it.

I took a breath before continuing.  “I feel stuff for you I’ve never felt for a man.  And I want you in my life in a way I’ve never wanted anyone.  I don’t know what the future holds, but I’m going to fight for this, Donovan.”

He stood, unmoving, his breathing rapid.  When his hand came to my face, it was firm but gentle.  He grasped my cheek, and when he spoke, his voice was rough.  “There’s only been one woman in my life who meant the fucking world to me, and I’ve never wanted anyone since.  Then I found you, and fuck, baby, you’ve turned my whole fucking world upside down.  I wake up in the morning thinking about you, and you’re the last thing on my mind before I go to sleep at night.  We’re gonna fight for this together.”

My heart soared.

I moved into his space, put my arms around his neck, and I kissed him.  His lips welcomed mine, and he proved his words with his mouth.  Our souls joined in a kiss that began to wipe away the damage of our pasts.  A kiss that promised we would meet the future together and fight for the love we both so desperately needed.


Later that day, Damian burst my happy bubble when he resigned.

“I’m sorry, Layla, but I can’t pass up this opportunity.”

I couldn’t blame him.  He’d been offered a job as a lighting technician for a band, and since that was what he’d been trained for, I would say goodbye with happiness.

“You better get me tickets when they come to Brisbane,” I said.

He grinned.  “Absolutely, boss lady.”

“When do you leave?”

“In a week.  I can work right up until I leave if you want me to.”

“Do you know anyone who wants a job?  Who could actually do as good a job as you, I mean?”

He contemplated that.  “No, but if I think of anyone, I’ll let you know.”


“Have you heard from Dale?”

“No, and I don’t think I will.  That fucker is long gone.”  The anger I’d felt towards Dale had shrunk a little.  Enough, so that if I saw him again, the first thing I reached for wouldn’t be his balls.

“Yeah, I think you’re right.  I’m sorry he screwed you over.”

“He will be, too, if I ever catch up with him again.”

He laughed.  “I don’t fucking doubt it.  Lord fucking help him.”

“Sounds about right,” I said with a smile.

We worked quietly to get the bar ready, and as I walked to the door to open for business, he said, “You seem happier today.  Did you sort stuff out with Blade last night?”

I turned and nodded.  “Yes.”

“I’m glad.  You deserve that in your life, Layla.”

I opened the door and let the few customers, who were waiting outside, in, and walked back to where Damian was.  “I’m gonna miss you, dude.”

“Yeah, I’d miss me too,” he joked.

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