m sorry,Tris apologized. the city really needs the water. The wells are down everywhere, and the gardens are drying up.She nodded towards a small patch of green: Ferouzes herbs and vegetables hung limp.

Yali blinked at her. are you sorry?

Tris opened her mouth to reply, and thought better of it. Confessing that she would cause the yaskedasi to lose a nights income seemed like a bad idea.

mind. May I sit?she asked Yali.

The woman nodded. dont pull the dogs ears,she warned. wont like it.

Doggie,the child said. She looked at Tris. s his name?

Bear,Tris replied, easing Chimes sling into her lap.

This made Glaki chuckle. s not a bear!

s big enough to be one,Yali remarked drily.

she yours?Tris asked Yali as she let Chime climb out of her sling. When the glass dragon unfurled her wings, the child gasped in awe.

Asked Yali as Chime flew over to land on Little Bears back. mine? No. She was Iralimas.She lowered her voice so Glaki wouldnt hear. friend who was murdered.

Tris watched Glaki run a careful hand over the edge of Chimes left wing. Chime sang a low, soft note, stretching out her long neck to look directly into the little girls face.

will happen to her?Tris wanted to know. father -?

Yali shook her head. far as we know, Iralima was alone in the world. No family if she had a man, she never mentioned it.

Tris frowned. For ten years her relatives had hammered into her mind how their generosity saved her from the fate that waited for a little girl cast on to the street. They had included details about just what that fate might be. has no one?

Yali shrugged. s got us. Were keeping her I am, mostly. Poppy and Xantha mean well, but they tend to get caught up in things. They forget that children must eat and go to bed at regular hours. But they chip in, and the men do, so theres coin enough to provide.

when you work?Tris asked.

Or Keth watches her.Yali smiled. s cheaper - I have to pay Ferouze to do it. But at least she hasnt kicked Glaki out, or me for keeping her.Yali propped her chin on her hands. can t believe that Keth made that dragon without knowing about his magic.

was a mad occurrence,replied Tris. kind that doesnt happen often. He accidentally called a lot of stray magics while he tried to make the glass do what he wanted. With those and his own power mixing, he got Chime.

Then he tried to break her, he told me,Yali commented, and shook her head. Theyre so excitable. Usually over things they cant help.

cant exactly blame him for being upset,Tris said. what hes said, Chime was the first real clue to what had changed in him since he got hit by lightning. My experience is that adults dont like surprises.

it is?Yali asked, chuckling. you with vast experience, I take it?

Tris smiled. She liked this woman. It also couldnt hurt Keth if Yali understood a bit more about his new life. enough. Our kind of magic Keths, mine, what my brother and sisters have it s tricky until you get to know it. And its different for everyone, because were all different inside. It helps if youre younger when you start. You re more used to being surprised as a kid.

Keths going to be all right now?asked Yali, worried. was so haunted when he first came here.

A bit of work, hell be all right,Tris assured the woman. now hes still getting used to the idea that hes a mage.

Chime took off, gliding here and there as Glaki and Little Bear chased her around the courtyard. Glaki was laughing so hard she nearly tripped. Both Tris and Yali started to their feet, then sat again as Chime turned to land on the little girl s shoulder. Glaki carried the dragon over to them.

shes very pretty,Yali told the child as she held Chime up for her to inspect. She glanced at Tris. yours is with the weather?

Tris grinned. rain prediction gave me away, I take it.

Keth said. And thats how you became his teacher, because hes got lightning.Yali sighed. s hope he doesnt try to work with it here, or Ferouze will pitch a fit. She doesnt even li ke it if we hang curtains at the windows.She stared into the distance for a moment, then asked shyly. there anything magic you could do? Just a little thing? I love magic.

Tris hesitated, then pointed to a dusty patch of courtyard and twirled a finger. The dust began to rise and spin, until she had a miniature cyclone no bigger than her hand. Moving her index finger,

she guided the cyclone through the dust, until she had written Yalis name in the packed earth at their feet.

The yaskedasu laughed and clapped her hands, then looked at the gateway to the street. heres Keth, before I impose on you any more. Thank you so much!

re welcome,Tris said, ushering the cyclone over towards Glaki. Little Bear backed away, growling - he didnt care for Tris s displays. Chime showed no interest whatsoever. Glaki waited until the cyclone was within reach, then set her palm on it and pressed the cyclone flat against the ground. When she raised her hand, it was gone.

Keth walked over to them with a smile for Yali and a frown for Tris. are you doing here? Shouldnt you be home?

have to change,Yali said, getting to her feet.

The rain,Tris protested.

Are covered walkways where I can sing,Yali told her. Glaki needs shoes for winter. Ferouze says shell watch her,she added, looking at Keth. sure she feeds her more than dates and stale cheese. I paid her five biks.

Ll keep an eye on Ferouze,Keth promised. When Yali passed him, he stopped her with a hand on her arm. watchful,he told her, blue eyes serious. off Falsedice Way, even if you do get customers that pay well there. It s too far back from the travelled streets.

ve been taking care of myself for years.

replied Yali. She kissed him on the cheek. youre sweet to worry.

Tris pretended not to watch this exchange. Instead she showed Glaki the spot behind the dogs ears where he most liked to be scratched. Only when Yali had vanished into her upstairs room and Keth had turned to Tris did she say, Perhaps I should have mentioned your lessons arent done for today.

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