I groaned. “You better run, woman, before I tackle you to the ground and have my way with you.”

She shrieked and took off running down the hall, laughing the entire way.

Chapter Seven


I let her win. I mean, we jogged with each other every day. I ran marathons; she used to be on track team in high school. The competitive streak in that one was incredible, but I felt bad since she just broke down in my arms.

I felt even worse when I realized I was the cause of it. It was my fault. I knew that much. I knew I was acting like an insane person, but I couldn’t shake the guilt, the worry, the threats. Maybe if everything wouldn’t have happened at once, I would have been able to carefully deal with each situation. Instead, it was like I woke up one day and I was in Hell. And I haven’t been able to leave ever since.

“Beat you!” Nat huffed and crooked her finger in my direction. “I shall receive my winner’s kiss, good sir!”

“Knight. Knight in shining armor, please.” I rolled my eyes. “At least get it right.”

“Fine.” She did a little curtsy and laughed. “Knight in shining armor.”

“At your service.” I swept her into my arms and swung her around the dining room, ravishing her mouth with such hunger that I was having trouble remembering my name. Just as I was pondering how strong the table was next to me, and if we would break it if I just so happened to slam my girlfriend against it and rip her clothes off, I heard a throat clear.

“Ain’t that kind of establishment.” Mr. Smith laughed and waved his apron in the air. “But oh, how I remember the days when the missus and I used to—”

“Oh, stop!” Mrs. Smith came barreling in. “Do you want to scar the young ones for life?”

Thank God. Pretty sure I would have had to cut my own ears off after that particular story.

“Sparkling soda, chocolate soufflé, followed by a light lunch and tea sound good?” Mrs. Smith smiled at us and put her hands on her hips.

Needing something stronger, I added, “A bottle of champagne too.”

Mr. Smith winked and added it to the order. I knew he would. Drinking alcohol underage was only one of the many perks of being famous. People never said no. Shit, I felt like Demetri in that moment. He used to use his fame as a way to get anything. If it was illegal, he wanted it.

“So…” Nat wrapped her arms tightly around my waist. “Do you guys want us to help or—”

“—Absolutely not! You’re guests! Shoot, you’re even staying in the honeymoon suite.”

Expecting a horrified glance from Nat, I looked down and waited for the reprimand. Instead she merely shrugged and said, “Cool.”

Cool? I booked a honeymoon suite with a girl that just graduated high school a year and a half ago! She should be freaking out! Hell, I was kind of freaking out. I didn’t want to pressure her, then again she had thrown herself at me and basically begged me to take her virginity. Okay, maybe begged is the wrong word. But still.

“Everything’s almost ready.” Mr. Smith winked. “We’ll just knock and set everything on trays outside the room, okay?”

“Sounds great.” I nodded at Mr. Smith and led Nat back to the room. She was eerily quiet. I watched the waves for a few moments. I felt in control when I focused on things. Balanced even.

“What are you thinking about?” Nat asked from behind me.


“Oh.” She laughed, and then her hands were underneath my shirt and lifting it over my head. “Guess you’ll have to catch up with my train of thought then, huh?”

“What?” My shirt fell to the floor. I turned around and nearly passed out. I blinked once, twice. Hell, I wasn’t even sure if my eyes were screwed in right.

“Nat?” My voice cracked.

She stood in front of me in nothing but one of the bathrobes from the Inn. Her long hair dangled in front of the silk robe, leaving nothing to the imagination, and I had to fight to keep from charging toward her like a caveman.


“Hell, yes.” I almost tripped as I swept her into my arms. She wrapped her legs around me. I was going to die. I pushed her up against the door in the room and placed one hand underneath her so she wouldn’t fall. Her soft moans and sighs were killing me.

Such a sweet death.

I nipped her ear.

“Oh, that felt good. Do that again.” She giggled.

My blood ran cold. Shaking, I put her down and kissed her on the nose just as a knock came on the door. “Room service!”

Luckily Nat didn’t notice anything. She simply blushed and went to open the door.

“I’ll be… just a minute.” I could hardly get the words out as I ran into the bathroom and locked the door. In two strides I was in front of the toilet puking my guts out.

Guilt tasted like Hell.

And sin tasted like being damned.

“Oh, that felt good. Do it again…” She giggled, totally drunk out of her mind as we staggered into the hotel room. “Alec, come on… I’ll help you forget her.”

“Doubt it.” Disgusted with myself but too sad to do anything about it, I pushed her away and sat on the bed. I hated it when my publicist made me do these things. Just be seen with her and it will help both your careers.

I’d gone back to LA to clear my head. Nat and Demetri. Of course it would happen. He deserved that after the shit I pulled.

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