“I was inside grabbing a drink when you came running in crying. I started to go to you when he raced in after you. At first, I thought he’d said something to upset you, so I waited . . . kinda hard to mistake the sounds you started making, Kace.”

“Please, just—”

He threw an arm out to the side. “He’s f**king married!”

“I know that, Aiden! I know! Do you think I enjoy this? That I like being the other woman? It kills me, Aiden. God you have no idea how much this kills me every damn day. I wanted to stay away from him, and I tried to start a relationship with you. But after meeting Brody, it was over for me. There is no one in the world who will ever be able to make me feel what he does just by saying my name. Not a day goes by that I don’t hate myself for what we’re doing. Not a day goes by that I don’t hate myself for breaking up someone’s marriage even though everyone already knows it was over. And yet, at the same time, not a day goes by that I don’t wonder why, if he is so miserable with his marriage, won’t he leave his wife for me.” Tears were streaming down my face and a loud sob burst from my chest. “Judge me all you want, but you have no f**king idea how insane this is making me and how much this is killing me. I would never want to be a part of this, but he is married to someone else and I can’t breathe without him, Aiden.”

“Shit, Kace, don’t cry.” He took a few steps toward me, and even when I held up my hand to stop him, he pulled me into his chest. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have attacked you like that. I told myself I was going to be calm—I just, I don’t know. When you told me there was someone else, I had no clue it was Brody. Why didn’t you just tell me?”

I pushed out of his arms and wiped at my cheeks. “And what was I supposed to tell you? That I was sleeping with a married man? I know what this makes me, but I couldn’t stand anyone else knowing that. I couldn’t have Brody’s family seeing me that way. I’m not normally this person.”

Aiden ran his hands over his hair and down his face as he shook his head. “Couldn’t you have at least waited until he divorced her? KC, it’s not a secret that Brody and Olivia are done, but this just looks so bad.”

“There’s no way for me to explain it so you’ll understand. You can’t understand without being one of us, but there was no waiting for us. It just wasn’t possible. And he swore he was going to file for divorce, he swore to me,” I cried and covered my face. “But it’s been almost two months, and he hasn’t even told her he’s leaving her. The longer this goes on, the more I start to doubt if he will, and I just—I don’t understand. He loves me and he can’t stand being in that marriage, so why am I not enough for him?” I was rambling about things that no one else should have known. But I couldn’t stop. Once my fears had been given a voice, they all wanted out.

“Fuck. I’m sorry. Come on, let’s go inside and we can talk about this more.”

I didn’t want to talk to Aiden, but at the same time I did. Keeping this from Barb and Kinlee had been making everything that much harder to deal with—and deep down I knew I’d been craving to have someone know the truth so I would have someone to talk to. Despite how unconventional it was, it seemed like Aiden was going to be that person.


July 4, 2015

I SENT THE text to Kamryn, wishing I’d said something when we’d been together earlier. I was telling Olivia we were over tomorrow. I was done waiting for Liv to be ready to get help. I could only drop so many hints and could only deal with so many nights of her breaking down and then screaming at me before I had to just step back. And I couldn’t keep hiding my relationship with Kamryn when she was the best thing that had ever happened to me. I couldn’t keep doing this to her, and I couldn’t keep living day to day without her by my side.

But all of that would change after tomorrow. My life with Kamryn was about to start.

I checked my phone to see if she’d responded before walking into the house and had to bite back a groan when I shut the door. A barely dressed Olivia was standing there with a look I knew too well.

“Where’ve you been?”

“Jace’s. Where I said I’d be when you told me you were going to the club with your parents.”

She pouted and sauntered up to me, letting her hand trail over my chest. I could’ve just gotten it all over with at that moment, but she reeked of wine and I knew it would be pointless. I’d just have to tell her all over again tomorrow anyway.

“But it’s so late. I’ve been waiting for you.”

“Good night, Liv.”

“Brody,” she whined and dug her fingers into my chest and arm as she pulled herself closer. She pressed her lace-covered br**sts against me and breathed in my ear. “I’m so horny, Brody. I want you.” The hand on my chest dropped to my pants, and I gripped her thin wrist in my hand.

“I said, good night. You’ve taken care of yourself for years, tonight doesn’t need to be any different.” As gently as I could, I pushed her back and turned to walk toward my room.

“Why don’t you love me anymore?” I could already hear the tears starting and was determined to keep moving until she spoke again. “Is it because of Tate? Or is it because I can’t have kids—you think I’m worthless now, don’t you?”

Or maybe I’m not going to wait until tomorrow. I stopped walking when she mentioned Tate and had to grit my teeth to keep myself from lashing out at her for bringing him into this again.

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