“Aiden,” I whispered. He stopped walking, but didn’t look back at me. “I don’t want you to waste time waiting for me. You should find someone who can be with you.”

Turning, he shrugged. “If I find someone, then I find someone. But until then, I’d rather spend the time I have away from work waiting for you to realize you’re in love with me,” he said teasingly.

Whether he actually meant those words or not, I was glad the heaviness between us had been lifted, and I laughed as I opened the back of my car. Using the same teasing tone, I leaned forward to grab a couple of the boxes. “And what if I told you it was never going to happen? Would you stop then?”

“Ugh.” He stumbled back from the car and gripped at his chest. “You’re wounding my ego, KC.”

“Oh, I’m sure that was a big blow to it.”

“The worst.” He sighed dramatically, but shot me a wink. “I’m not sure if I can go on after that kind of dismissal.”

I laughed and pushed him away when he draped a heavy arm over my shoulders. “Toughen up, Donnelly. I need help taking these boxes in, and I doubt a firefighter turned princess is up for the job.”

“Princess, huh?”

Turning my head to look at him, I eyed him and sucked air between my teeth before mouthing, Princess.

He laughed loudly and grabbed most of the boxes. “Better watch yourself, KC, I’ll force-feed you one of the cupcakes in front of everyone.”

I gasped and shifted the boxes to one arm so I could close up and lock my SUV. “You wouldn’t dare.”

“I don’t know . . . in the last three minutes you crushed what little ego I had, and then called me a princess. I think that calls for a show of you eating your cupcakes.”

Groaning, I followed him up the walkway to the house. “I hate Kinlee for telling y’all that.”

“I sure as hell don’t. It’s now my mission in life to watch you eat something sweet.”

“Not gonna happen.”

“We’ll see.” He smiled widely and laughed when I rolled my eyes. Opening the door, he stepped back to let me in first, and I wished he hadn’t.

Brody was standing just inside the living room with Jace and a few other guys I didn’t know. Since Aiden wasn’t blocking my view of him, I watched as his eyes lit up when he saw me . . . then saw all expression leave his face when he noticed the man behind me.

I heard Jace say my name and Aiden begin talking with the guys standing there, but I wasn’t able to focus on anything else as I stared at Brody. He wasn’t even looking at me anymore. His eyes were pinned to Aiden, and the jealousy there was apparent.

I knew if I stood there waiting for him to acknowledge me again, someone was bound to notice, so I straightened myself and walked into the kitchen so I could put the boxes down. Aiden was there setting the rest on the counter when I turned, and I thanked him before opening them up and putting them out on the platters Kinlee had waiting.

My head jerked up as I heard Brody’s name being called, and I watched as he walked over to someone I assumed was his mother.

Kinlee came up behind me and wrapped her arms around me. “Don’t you look hot!”

I laughed and looked back at her. “Thanks for the outfit, Lee.”

“I saw Aiden helping you inside . . .” She drifted off, her voice full of meaning.

“Nothing happened, and nothing is going to happen. I told you, he’s just not it for me.” Kinlee scoffed, but before she could say anything I jerked my head toward Jace, Brody, and the two women they were standing with. “What’s going on over there?” And why does Brody look pissed?

“Oh, that’s my mother-in-law. Every time she sees Brody, she tries to get him to leave Olivia by setting him up with someone else. I guess Julia is the poor soul she’s set her sights on this time.”

I was going to throw up. Or yank Julia away from Brody. I hadn’t decided yet. Forcing myself to unclench my jaw, I tried to sound like I didn’t care either way. “Why do you say ‘poor soul’?”

“Because every time his mom tries to set him up with someone else, the girl gets excited at the thought of being with Brody, only to be turned down. We all want Brody away from Olivia, we would love to see him with anyone else. But no matter how much he hates that woman, he’s never going to leave her.”

Throwing up. Definitely throwing up. My heart was currently residing in my stomach, and my stomach was churning. It wasn’t a good feeling, and throughout all of it I had to retain my unaffected facade.

Brody looked over at me for a few seconds, before looking back to his mom, who was animatedly talking about Julia’s successes. But in those few seconds I saw everything I was feeling reflected back at me.

Swallowing down my anger, I turned and grabbed Kinlee’s shoulder as I gave her a kiss on the cheek. “I forgot something in my car, I’ll be back. Happy birthday, Lee.”

“Do you want Aiden to help you?” she asked too loudly.

I cringed and turned to see both Aiden and Brody looking at me. Aiden’s expression was expectant, while Brody’s was livid.

“No, I’m fine. It’s just my purse.” I waved Aiden and Kinlee off and tried not to look at Brody again as I turned and walked quickly across the kitchen, through the dark dining room, and to the entryway. As soon as I was outside I let out an angry huff and balled my hands into fists before pressing them against my churning stomach.

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