Hannah put her handbag on the floor and turned in her chair to see whether Ben was coming back yet. His glass of beer had been on the table for a while, and her brother hated lukewarm beer - with a passion. She spotted him down by the jetty with the small rowing boats, enthusiastically waving his arms and telling a tall guy next to him some elaborate story.

Hannah swallowed hard and squinted against the sunlight. That guy next to Ben - but that couldn't be. She couldn't believe her eyes. That was the Navajo guy. The guy who'd laughed at her poor attempt at singing. The guy who'd playfully said hello and given her this intense look, while she was gaping at him like a dumbstruck idiot. So Ben knew him?

Her heart skipped a beat when she suddenly realized why the local native hunk with the divine body was walking next to her brother.

That was Josh.

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