underlying law of nature by forbidding man to tamper in a preventive

way with her hallowed and mysterious processes for perpetuating the

human race. Religious law, based on the divine dispensation of the

Scriptures, indorses the law of nature and that of the state.

We may take it, then, that "birth control" represents a deliberate and

reprehensible attempt to nullify those innate laws of reproduction

sanctioned by religion, tradition and man's own ingrained instinct. To

say that the human instinct for the perpetuation of his race and

family has become atrophied during the flight of time, and that he is

therefore justified in denying it, is merely begging the question. The

instinct may be denied, just as other higher and nobler instincts are

disregarded; but its validity cannot be questioned. Whether those who

practice "birth control" are influenced by economic, selfishly

personal or other reasons, they are offending in a threefold manner:

against the inborn wish and desire which is a priceless possession of

even the least of God's creatures, that of living anew in its

offspring; against the law of the state, which after all, stands for

the crystallization of the best feeling of the community; and against

the divine injunction handed down to us in Holy Writ, to "increase and


"Birth control" is the foe to the direct end and aim of marriage,

which, in the last analysis, is childbirth. As an enemy to the

procreation of children it is an enemy of the family and the family

group. As an enemy of the family, it is an enemy of the state, the

community, a foe to the whole social system. Mankind has been able to

attain its comparatively recent state of moral and physical

advancement without having recourse to the dangerous principle which

"birth control" represents. Surely that wise provision of our existing

legal code which makes the printing or dissemination of information

regarding the physical facts of "birth control" illegal and punishable

as an offense, can only be approved by those who respect the

Omnipotent will, and the time-hallowed traditions which date back to

the very inception of the race.

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