'The snotty-nosed squirt is chairman of the medical association's ethics committee. I invited him to dinner because his wife wanted to meet you. He knows about the cat, Tom. That could spell disaster.'

'But, we don't need the cat.' Tom yawned. 'While you were stuffing yourselves with Molly's cream cakes, I got thinking. You could wire me up with that gear you use to measure brainwaves. If I can sense those lines with divining rods then something must be happening in my head.'

'Are you totally mad?' Colin exploded. 'I've just told you that Duncan-Brown is chairman of the ethics committee. This whole stupid business could spell disaster for both of us ...'

Tom wasn't listening. He needed to get hold of Colin's brainwave gear. If Colin wouldn't help then he would ask Alison. She was always keen to take part in his experiments.

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