Tom glanced round the ring of faces and saw he had their attention. 'Morgon's men are warriors and nothing else. The only thing they do is train and fight. When they train it is like fighting. When they fight it is like training. For them there is no difference.'

An argument broke out and was silenced by the queen.

'Listen. Hear what the Sky Warrior says.'

Tom adjusted his cloak and tried to look small.

'I am told that the southerners defeat you in battle. Their weapons are not superior. Their warriors are not superior. They defeat you because they are organised to defeat you.'

The chieftains stared back at him.

'You will not be defeated if you fight like them. You are better warriors. You have been cheated by their southern ways. You can overcome them.'

He glanced at his badge of office, fringed with the skulls that a Head Master was expected to collect. Its symbolism didn't faze him. He knew what happened when armies clashed. Cleaning-up operations were bound to be messy. Some would want to claim heads as trophies. Others would want to venerate them as fallen heroes.

He placed his hand on the badge.

'If the Holy Mother wills it, I will show you how to gather many heads. My men will break up Morgon's formations. You will do the rest.'


Alvero huddled against the haystack and tried to look as inconspicuous as possible. He pulled his grey military cloak up about his neck and dragged his steel helmet down about his ears. He stared into the setting sun and saw a small figure peering at him through the bars of the fence. He guessed it was the boy Weasel and made the high-pitched squeaking noise that Adrina had taught him.

Weasel ran across.

'Brother,' he spoke in the native tongue. 'The princess says the Holy Mother is with us. She wants you to be ready with brothers from Ibero ...'

'Stop.' Alvero raised a hand. 'You say too fast.'

The boy got the message and spoke slowly, articulating every word.

'Princess says you stay close. Soon big battle.' He slashed the air in imitation of a swordsman. 'Much fighting. Tell brothers to make white ribbons and tie to sleeves. Don't forget ... wear white ribbons. Put them on when Sky Warrior attacks and Morgon runs away. Then take horses and join Adrina.' Copyright 2016 - 2025