'That's cheating ... that is.'

The tribesman swung his club and smashed through the rods. The board sank and there was a splintering noise as Grimwald's ribcage cracked. His last breath wheezed from his body ... and his tongue stuck out.

Beneath the other pile of stones, Aaroen had stopped breathing. Tom dashed to his side and dragged the stones away. The tribesmen lifted the board and examined the crumpled figure below. Aaroen looked oddly flat. Then his face regained some of its former colour. He struggled for breath and pulled himself up. His first words were about the primacy of the septaggin and why he was the best man to fill the recently vacated office of Grand Master.

Tom heard women's voices. They were chanting Adrina's name and he set off towards them. On the way, he glanced up to the heavens and received a tremendous shock. The edge of the moon was in shadow. He tried to convince himself that the phenomenon was caused by cloud and decided otherwise. Stars were visible, right up to the edge the lunar disc. There could be little doubt that the eclipse had started. He quickened his pace, anxious to be amongst friends when the appalling truth took hold.

The women were singing hymns in praise of the Goddess and the Good God. They saw him coming and formed two lines, holding out their arms to form a tunnel. Adrina sat at the far end. He ducked and ran between them.

'Tomas. Tomas...'

They knew his old name and shouted it, linking it with the names of the Good God. Fingers tore at him. Bits were pulled from his clothing. The fringe of his cloak suffered most and he reached the end of the tunnel with a lot of fur missing.

Adrina rose to meet him. She had a garland of mistletoe. He knelt to receive it and whispered as she hung the white berries about his neck.

'The eclipse has started.'

'You mean Our Lady is dimming her countenance?'

'That's right. I got it wrong. I misled you. There will be an eclipse.'

Adrina stroked his cheek.

'Don't look so sad. There's nothing to be worried about. I've seen what's happening and I've prayed to Our Lord of Cloud and Mist asking him to bring comfort to Our Lady in Her time of shame.'

'Nothing can be done,' Tom lamented.

'I'm sure the Good Lord will find a way.' She tweaked his ear and looked up. 'Oh. I think I see him racing towards us.'

Tom raised his head and saw a dense black cloud rolling across the sky. One by one the stars went out and the sky was totally dark.

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