She's clinging to me, crying and shaking.

"Jenna, please! Just … try to stay calm and … focus on this branch." I can't keep my tone steady, and I'm losing my grip on one of the branches overhead. With one of my arms around her, I'm not in a position to move more than my legs.

The scuff of boots against wood draws my eyes upwards. With effortless ease I don't think I've ever felt for physical exertion, Captain Mathis is scaling downwards quickly. He reaches us and pauses a couple of feet up, where the branches are thicker and sturdier, then loosens one of the ropes around him, using the second to secure himself into place.

"Pass her up," he says quietly, holding out one hand. I take in his roped forearm and the bulging biceps and decide he's got a much better chance of getting Jenna to safety than I do.

My position is far from steady. My abs and thighs are screaming from remaining in place at the odd angle. I shift the best I can and tighten my grip on the branch above then carefully draw one knee towards my chest to push Jenna's bottom up.

"Jenna, hon, you need to help me," I say, straining. Cold fear is expanding within me, and I'm both terrified I'll lose my grip on her and certain if I stretch too much farther to push her up to him, I'll fall.

"Jenna, give me your hand." Captain Mathis' voice is firm and calm.

The girl in my arms unfolds, and I struggle to counterbalance us with her movements. She meets my gaze briefly before looking up.

"C…captain Mathis, I want bacon again," she says, eyes welling with more tears.

Again? It wasn't on the menu at all. Not that this is the right time to discuss breakfast.

"I'll see what I can do," he replies. "On the count of three, place your foot on that branch at your knee and climb towards me. This is like the wall you climbed over earlier today. Piece of cake. Right?"

Jenna doesn't answer, but she's stopped crying and is listening.


She shifts, and I grunt. I don't need to look down to know the branch under my right foot is getting ready to snap.


She pushes at me with one hand to maneuver her foot.

Instinctively, I press Jenna against the muddy wall. She dangles dangerously. A split second later, my hurt wrist gives out the same time the branch snaps. Fear tears through me as my balance is thrown.

"Gotcha." Captain Mathis snatches my forearm.

"Holy fuck!" I breathe. Copyright 2016 - 2024