
This book was shaped significantly by Amy Lansky, my publisher, editor, collaborator, close friend, and so much more. Amy's own work inspired many aspects of this story.

My other editor, Jena Roach, continues to push me to do better. She takes my unpolished ideas and makes them sparkle. Thanks also to Mark Manasse and Izaak Rubin who gave the book a final cleanup.

Diogo Landô did a great job on the cover art.

I would also like to thank Jeannie Marinovich for teaching me about public defenders. They serve an important role in our legal system and help many people navigate through difficult times.

A special thanks goes to Vicky Debold of the National Vaccine Information Center for long discussions about vaccine safety. I am sorry to report that the vaccine facts in this book are true. Vaccines are not adequately tested; vaccine testing does use active placebos (the characters in the story elaborate on this); nearly 200 deaths have been associated with the HPV vaccine, and 20 percent of all prescription drugs are eventually recalled or proven harmful. I wish I was making these things up, but sadly, I am not.

Finally, where would I be without Stanley Ardman, who is there for me when I need him most? Copyright 2016 - 2025