Someone tried to open the door to the tunnel, but Roy had bolted it from the inside. They tried several times. Backing up quickly into the dark recesses, Roy moved as far back as he could, remaining in the dark shadows. He gently raised the rifle and again pointed it at the door. Roy checked over his shoulder and made sure the Johansson family was far away. Someone behind the tunnel door suddenly kicked in the door smashing the old wood into thousands of splinters. Roy stayed in the shadows keeping the rifle pointed at the individuals coming into the tunnel. It was hard to see because of the disturbed dust.

The large man asked, "Can you see anyone back there?"

"Nope, it's too dark."

The large man pulled his gun and fired two rounds into the tunnel. Roy flattened his back to the wall and froze, listening as they ricocheted in the tunnel. Please stay on the sides and keep quiet, Roy thought as he scanned the inner recesses of the shaft. The men stood by the door.

"Dix, you want me to go in there check it out?"

"No, it could be a trap."

Then the large man took his boot and started kicking the side support beam. Roy watched in wide-eyed horror as the man continued to kick the beam until it moved. Roy could hear the tunnel creak and groan.

"Go back inside the log cabin and wait," the man growled.

The large man started kicking again. The side beam crashed to the dirt floor along with the ceiling supports. Dusted filled the air. Roy slid back along the tunnel wall never taking his eyes off the man and moved further into the tunnel. Roy watched the man pick up the dislodged beam and use it as a ram. He started attacking other supports and soon the ceiling started breaking up and raining down. Within seconds, the tunnel cascaded down by the entrance. At the last second, Roy saw the large man run back into the cabin. Roy started running as far back as possible. The thunderous noise was deafening and the air was congested with thick dust. Roy covered his face with his sleeve and ran further back. Fumbling in the dust-choked darkness; Roy made his way deeper into the tunnel and started coughing.

"Roy, is that you? Are you all right?" Sara asked. She was choking on the dust as well.

"Sara, where are the boys?"

"They're hiding near the spring, but I can't see anything."

Roy grabbed Sara's hand. "Let's go."

They stumbled in the darkness fumbling for the walls of the tunnel. Roy and Sara were relieved when they found Abe and Billy. Copyright 2016 - 2024