"Well now, this was supposed to be a reward for Abe's help, but then he invited Billy. I guess the fish don't care if there are four of us."

Sara forced a smile and was hoping Roy didn't see her disappointment. "Great. I'll get the boys." Let it go, Sara, you're forcing things and you'll scare the man off.

Throughout the ride to the lake, Abe and Billy chattered like squirrels in the back of the buckboard while Roy and Sara sat quietly in the front seat. Sara deliberately set apart from Roy with her hands folded in her lap. I should have stayed home. It was wrong for me to push Roy into bringing me along, Sara thought. Roy knew something was not right. Why is she so quiet? What did I say wrong? Roy stared at his passenger.

"I'm glad you came along Sara."

Sara forced another smile. "I should have stayed home. There's work to be done rather than going for a joy ride."

Roy was beside himself. I knew it. Something isn't right. I think she's mad at me. Good God, I wish I knew what to do. Roy was at his wits end. Finally, he blurted out his thought. "Sara, I'm at a complete loss, but I can tell something isn't right between us. I don't know what to do."

Sara turned her face away from Roy and stared toward the horizon. Roy reached over and patted the back of her hand. That's it, Sara thought, now he's humiliating me and making me feel like this is my fault. They continued in silence the entire journey.

After arriving at the lake, Sara refused to join in the fishing, despite pleas from Roy and her sons. Sara sat on a rock outcrop, her knees pulled in tight, and her chin resting on her hands. She look glum and miserable. Once their fish were caught and they had eaten lunch, Sara hurriedly packed everything into the wagon.

"Abe, Billy, time to go." Her voice was stern.

Roy grabbed Sara's arm and pulled her into his embrace, but she resisted. Wrapping his arms around the small woman, Roy yelled at the boys. "Abe, take Billy for a walk around the lake."

Both boys stood frozen, like deer staring into a bright light. Then Sara looked at them and nodded. Instantly they ran off.

"You know what; I'll admit something is wrong Sara if you will."

Sara refused to look at Roy and he resisted easing off on his grip. Even in their disagreement, Sara felt wonderful in Roy's arms.

"Look, I have never been with a woman before, especially someone I like this much. I've got no experience as to what I should say or do right now. But I know something isn't right. Will you talk with me, please?"

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