Prior to the arrival of the new logs, the original cabin had been dismantled as well as the fireplace. The construction crews reused many of these materials in the new house including the stones from the fireplace and the mantel. Three bedrooms were built upstairs and a bedroom downstairs. The kitchen, dining room, and family sitting area were also downstairs. The new house needed to be constructed a few feet further away from the rock cliff, but the crew made a secure walkway connecting the house to the underground tunnel. A thick steel door replaced the original access door between the tunnel and the living quarters, plus concrete was applied to the steel door and the entry way of the tunnel. Finally, a pipe ran from the natural spring directly into the kitchen sink, to supply fresh water.

New beams and shoring were installed in the first fifty feet of the tunnel making it much safer. With all the repairs completed, Roy was less nervous about going into the mining shaft. The barn was rebuilt and the crew added a pen for the livestock. On the day that Tom brought Sally and Molly back to Roy's farm, the mules spotted Sugar-Girl and immediately started making their terrible noises. At one point, the construction workers had to stop so they could cover their ears.

A well drilling company agreed to dismantle Sara's old windmill and move it alongside the new well they dug on Roy's farm. Once the well was drilled, they reconstructed Sara's wind driven water pump and well-head by placing it on the high side of the original big garden.

"That way Sara, when we water our garden, I won't be lugging buckets from the cistern to the plants."

Roy and the Johansson family were ready to move into their new home. Maura and Daniel McAllister were so anxious to see their guests finally leaving that they washed and boxed all their clothes and had them ready to load into the wagon on a moment's notice. They also donated some furniture that was found inside the old bordello before being converted into a church. Roy and Sara smiled and graciously accepted their generous offer. Roy looked at Sara after they had finished unpacking everything and smiled.

"Well, are you ready to get married now?"

"Are you joking, I was ready months ago."

"I spoke to Reverend Daniel and he said two weeks from Sunday would good for the big day."

"Whew, Roy, I thought this day would never happen."

"To tell the truth, neither did I."

"Until we get married Sara, I'll be sleeping with the boys upstairs." Copyright 2016 - 2024