As he came up the stairs towards her, he looked tired. She hugged him. "You okay?"

"That was my agents. There's finally talk about my contract for coming years. But, they want to see the playoffs before they talk long term." He sighed and kissed the top of her head.

"Do you want to eat something before bed?" she asked, blinking up at him. What could she add to the contract stuff? It was messy and complicated and a thorn in the side of their relationship. It was better if she didn't think about it at all.

"I guess so. I'm sorry babe to take out the stress on you." He let go of her and went towards the kitchen.

They ate some fruit and crackers in relative silence for a while. "What were you and Corey discussing?"

"He said you play better when I'm around and he was teasing me about our relationship." She leaned forward on her elbows, playing with a cracker between her hands.

"You looked a little sad when I came over."

Right, she teared up over the thoughts of family and the team. "I was just thinking that the team is like this tight knit little family, but then guys are traded all the time. It must be hard."

He nodded. "Sometimes."

"I just feel bad for the guy sometimes. He's got no family. He plays the joker, but he longs for something. I wish I knew someone to set him up with."

Kip rubbed her thigh. "You can't fix everyone." She'd become a bit of the team mom to some of the guys, like Corey and Kyle. "He'll find his way." He squeezed her leg. "We did."

Mandy leaned over and nudged his body. "Life is a work in progress."

Kip threw the last piece of apple in his mouth. "What I think is that you and I should go take advantage of my soft bed." He stood up.

Mandy stood beside him. "What I think is that you are a pretty amazing guy."

They went upstairs and closed the bedroom door. Kip turned on his new bedside lamps that Mandy had purchased a month ago. They did their bedtime routine and Mandy marvelled at the comfortably they had settled into. Like it always was, like they were something permanent. Still things felt transitory.

She was laying in bed when Kip kissed her hard on the mouth. "I thought you meant we'd take advantage by getting some sleep," she murmured against his mouth. Copyright 2016 - 2024