Mandy stood there, complacent while he undressed her. He bent his head and kissed the skin as it was exposed. When kissing no longer satisfied his need, he nibbled and then he licked. He had her fully undressed while he was on his knees in front of her.

He helped her perch on the edge of the tub, opening her knees so his shoulders fit between. With his fingers he opened her delicate folds. With his tongue he caressed her in the most intimate of kisses.

She squirmed between him as he drank her exotic taste in. Her knees quivered against his shoulders, as he let out a relentless barrage on her senses. He held her hips with his hands, keeping her from moving away.

Eventually, too soon and too long, she bucked under him, his fingers making long deep strokes into her body. She moaned her satisfaction and then went limp. He caught her before she slid down on the floor.

His cock twitched in anticipation. It too wanted fulfillment. He put it off for the moment and held her. Then when she was steady again, he helped her into the steaming tub.

He shucked his clothes, dropping them over hers. He turned the jet timer on and climbed in beside her. He sat next to her and pulled her body against his, shoulder to knee. She slid her leg over top of his. "I thought we were going to go slow," Mandy said, a mischievous grin on her face.

"We were. I thought," Kip replied. He licked his lips again, smacking them dramatically. "You taste better than I recall. definitely more potent than wine. Which I forgot to get."

"I don't need anything to drink. That little bit of action was more than intoxifying."

He kissed her again. "It was all I could do to keep from fucking you on the floor."

"That would have been a little less than comfortable. My body is still humming, though. It's been ready to go all day."

"I think you need to relax." He moved her so she was sitting on her lap.

"This is how you hope to accomplish relaxation?"

"If you'd be quiet."

He pressed his thumbs into her lower back, moving them in circles. He moved up and down her back that way until she was limp in his arms. He kissed her shoulder and pulled her against him. "That's better."


"Did you like the game?" he asked, finally.

She'd been afraid to mention it, not sure how he felt about the loss. Copyright 2016 - 2024