Colton asked.

"It's a little cold for that today. We'll do it in the summer," Mandy told him. She looked at Kip. "We go at least once every summer. Usually 2 or 3 times."

Kip nodded dumbly. He was still feeling slightly shell shocked. Mandy's sudden appearance in his shower, then the sex. Ending with that change in mood, like she was about to say something. "I love you," had been on the tip of his tongue, but he couldn't say the words. Too soon, too much, too fast. He'd known it since he kissed her a few weeks ago.

Kip glanced in his rear view mirror at Colton. The kid was practically vibrating, while he clutched his camera. Kip could relate, he remembered the year his dad took him to an NHL game in Edmonton. He'd been about 6 or 7. He smiled recalling the way he clutched his dad's hand. That was before Kip had showed much of a talent for hockey and his dad didn't care so much about his future in the game. When hockey had been just for fun.

At the rink Kip parked the truck. By the time he got to Mandy's side she was already out and helping Colton out of his seat. "Sorry," she said, glancing over her shoulder. "Not used to having someone who will open my door."

"It's okay. Hey Colton, you wanna race?"


"I'll catch up," Mandy said.

"You say when," Kip told the boy. And they ran off towards the building. Kip wanted to take Colton to the store inside and buy him a jersey before he went to get dressed.

There were a few people milling around, wanting to watch the practice. He glanced over his shoulder before he went in the doors. "Come on, I want to get you a surprise," he told Colton. The kid grinned.

Kip ushered him to where the store was. He looked at the jersey sizes and then Colton. Sizing the kid up, Kip grabbed a jersey that looked about the right size. "What do you think?" he asked.


"Should we get your mom one too?"

"Yeah," Colton nodded, three times. "She always watches the Calgary games and we cheer for you."

Kip smiled and ruffled his hair. He couldn't help but love the kid. "Thanks." Kip went around the store and found a jersey for Mandy as well. He put them on the counter. The kid behind the counter popped his gum bubble. Copyright 2016 - 2024