"Thank you for dinner, Mandy. It had been so great to see you again. I will see you tomorrow."

Before she could react, he let her go and turned and walked down her front porch. What the hell? "Uh, good night, Kip. Thank you." She was holding her purse and Colton's dessert. Tomorrow? Well, that was. Confusing.

She didn't have time to think about it. June drove up with Colton a minute after Kip's lights disappeared around the corner.

"Hi Mom," Colton said jumping out of the car.

"Hi baby. Go inside where it's warm. I just have to say thanks to June. There's a piece of cake on the table. You can eat it for snack."

"Thanks," he said, brightly, running into the house. Mandy went down the steps to where June was getting out of the car.

"He's fast," June said.

"Yep. Faster everyday. I rue the day he'll be faster than me. Though that may have already come."

"You are such a teacher. I did get the kids to get their homework done."

"Thanks June. I'm sorry you to ask so much of you."

"No problem. I don't mind. So, how was your night out? You look a little shell shocked."

"Just an old friend. It was nice and strange and confusing." She was not ready to talk about it however. There was still this 'tomorrow' to contend with. "I better get in and chase him to bed. Thank you again for everything."

"Your welcome. I'll see you later."

Mandy hugged June, who in turn looked surprised and then left.

Mandy went into the house, still feeling disconcerted. She got Colton to bed and then fell into a sleep filled with Kip.

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