Mandy was marking more papers and helping Colton with his homework. There were only three days left before Christmas holidays. This year they were staying in Red Deer. Mandy's car was far too unreliable to make the trip to Saskatchewan. Her parents were driving down three days after Christmas and planning on staying for three days.

It wasn't going to be the two of them, thankfully. Two sets of friends, who weren't able to visit with their families either, had agreed to all get together for the day and split up making a holiday feast together. Colton wasn't as thrilled with the arrangement, but at least it wasn't going to just be the two of them.

It had also been five days since she had sent Kip her phone number. She had spent the week not watching the games that were televised, but only when Kip played, and not counting the days until he was due to return to Calgary. She had also not been hoping that he would call the moment he walked in his front door.

The phone rang, breaking into the silence between muted conversation when Colton had a question. Colton jumped up to answer it. "I'll get it," he announced, looking over his shoulder for her consent.

Mandy nodded and he pushed the talk button. "Hello?" Mandy watched him as he nodded, pressing the receiver against his ear. "Yeah, that's me. Oh okay, she's here. Mo-om, it's for you. It's some guy." He held out the phone for her.

Her heart leapt into her throat and her stomach fell a few feet. There was no doubt in her mind who was on the other end of the phone.

She found she was shaking as she reached Colton to take the phone. "Thank you," she said to her son. Then into the phone, "Hold on a moment please." She drew the phone away from her ear before she could hear the reply. Hearing his voice was going to make the whole thing real and she hadn't prepared herself for that.

Mandy looked at Colton, who was looking at her with expectations. Who was on the phone for her? "Colton, go get your pajamas on please. Then get yourself a snack. We'll finish your homework when I'm done."

Colton trotted off to do her bidding. Mandy pushed her hair back in a nervous gesture. Her heart was thundering blood through her veins and her entire body seemed to be shaking. She took a deep breath. "Sorry about that. Hi." She sounded breathless.

She could hear his smile through the phone. "Hi. Is this a good time?" Copyright 2016 - 2024