Kip climbed out of the driver seat of Mandy's new car. It was damn hot for mid-July, even in as it neared supper time. He didn't bother flipping up his sunglasses as he readjusted his pants. Seven hours in the car, listening to Colton's video games, arguing with Mandy on air conditioning temperature and choice of music, he'd never been so glad to arrive at his parents house.

They were getting a hotel room, obviously. But, the wedding was happening in the city where it had all began. Actually, they had planned to have it in the high school where they had met. It wasn't the most picturesque place to have it, but it seemed fitting given all that happened.

His mom came running out of the house. She hugged Kip and then Mandy. "You made it. I'm so glad." She turned to Colton and grabbed him by the cheeks. "Colton. Welcome. Call me Dorie. The kids are all in the back yard." His sister's kids, Kip was glad he was wearing his sunglasses, since he rolled his eyes out of habit.

"We're just glad to get out of the truck, Mrs. Turner," Mandy said.

"Mandy, you are thirty years old. And about to come my third daughter, call me Dorie. Please." The older lady was still holding onto Colton, who was looking at Kip pleadingly.

"Ma, let me take Colton to the bathroom and then I'll introduce him to the brats. I mean the rest of the kids."

Dorie gave him a motherly chiding. Mandy wasn't as lucky, Kip thought as he walked away with Colton. Well, he couldn't rescue everyone.

"Let's get your bags inside," Dorie was saying.

"Mom, we staying in a hotel. You've got enough with Maggie's and that crew staying here. There's no room for us."

"Nonsense, we got a new futon this year and we can roll it into the living room. Lots of room."

Kip groaned. And Colton looked up at him. "Are we really staying here?"

Kip shook his head. "No. We're not. I promise."

Colton looked relieved.

He could hear his mother coming up the walk behind them. "Has Kip seen your dress at all?" He glanced over his shoulder to see Mandy having the sense to shake her head. He'd picked it out with her, but his mother didn't need to know that.

Mandy gave him a pained look and he smiled back. "Mom, we can't stay long. We have to go see Mandy's parents today as well." Copyright 2016 - 2024