Mandy laughed. The students were shouting in the halls as they came into the classroom. Most of her students were seated, when another delivery occurred.

Field trip to the parking lot.

The note was on school note paper and had the principal's signature, Henry Stewart, on the bottom. She held up the note and stood up. The children sat and the chatter came to a standstill. "Everyone take your shoes back off. We are having a field trip to the parking lot."

Mandy shook her head. Her whole day was being disrupted.

"Why the parking lot?" students asked they filtered past her, echoing the question reverberating inside her own head.

"I don't know. Get your shoes on and wait in the entry way." She followed the students, supervised while they got their shoes on, trying to minimize the pushing that usually occurred while twenty-three students tried to use a five foot square space.

Out in the parking lot, the office staff was gathered around a newer green Civic. Much like her own, except, with paint that was still shiny and wheels that had tread. They were motioned over and Mandy walked slowly.

Henry Stewart handed her a set of keys. "I was instructed to give these to you."

Mandy stared at the keys. "This is Kip's doing right?" She was met by shrugs, and knowing smiles. "I dunno what to say."

"Who's car Ms. Green?" one of her student's asked.

"Uh, apparently, it's mine. I think my boyfriend gave it to me," she ventured. She was moved in front of the driver's door. The key fit in the lock. She opened it.

"Get inside," someone said, which quickly turned to a chant. She climbed into the driver's seat. There was a note over the dashboard gauges.

Hope you like it. K She was speechless. It smelled like a new car, despite not being brand new. She ran her fingers over the seats and steering wheel, the grin on her face growing wider all the while.

Finally she climbed out of the car. "This is really quite something. Thank you for it. But, really you need to tell me where he is."

Henry shook his head. "Not yet, Ms. Green. I suspect there are more surprises to come later today."

Mandy felt like stomping her feet. If her class had been inside she would have. Instead she looked at them. "Field trip is over. Time to go back for math review."

There was a groan and a reluctant movement of feet. She locked the car door and closed it. She looked at the keys one more time, and then followed her students in, listening to their chatter about who the gift giver was exactly. Some of them were hockey fans and knew who Kip was. There was much excitement and Mandy wondered if she was going to get any work done the rest of the day. Copyright 2016 - 2024