“That’s the white wine I had when I was here before, isn’t it? I tried to get it in for Carson’s, but our wine merchant was unable to secure any for me.”

“We’ll have to see what we can do about that, for your father.”

Blair bristled slightly at the assumption that she would not be equally interested in getting the wine to New Zealand, but she was distracted by the soft stroke of Draco’s index finger on the pulse point at her wrist.

He continued to hold her wrist loosely as he detailed each of the other charms on the chain, and she found herself mesmerized by the cadence of his voice. When he was finished she realized she’d allowed herself to sink back against his body, his chest a warm imprint through her dress and along her back.

She straightened, pulling loose from his clasp, feeling unsettled that she’d fallen under his spell again so easily. Last night he’d suggested they start over, but now in the light of day, she wasn’t so convinced it was such a good idea. He was very much the lord and master of all the land she could see from the windows of the palazzo. So where did that leave her? And where did that leave her responsibility to Carson’s?

“Draco, could I use a phone to let Dad know we arrived safely and that I’m okay? I saw one in my room but I wasn’t sure if I could use it for an international call.”

“No matter, I have already called him. He was happy to hear you were settled and that the journey was behind you. He said when you arrived back in New Zealand in February the trip had taken a lot out of you and that it took you a few days to recover from jet lag. Hopefully, you won’t be so affected this time.”

“After the luxury of that plane trip? I doubt it.”

Blair smiled, hiding the flair of irritation that Draco had spoken to her father without her knowledge. She’d have liked to have touched base with him, heard how he was managing back in the restaurant without her there.

“You are worrying about your precious restaurant, aren’t you?”

Was she so easy to read? “Yes, I am. And about Dad too. When we left he’d done nothing about employing a new chef. I’m concerned he’ll push himself too hard.”

“Blair, your father is a grown man, quite capable of making his own decisions.”

“That’s exactly what I’m worried about. It was the decisions that he made that made him ill the last time.”

“But he is on medication, si?”

“Yes, but he’s stubborn.” Like you, she added silently.

“Why don’t you call him tonight around ten? It’ll be eight o’clock Sunday morning there.”

“Damn, I forgot about the time difference,” Blair muttered, remembering it was the time difference that had gotten her into this position in the first place. “What about now? It’ll be evening there now, right? About seven?”

“But won’t the restaurant be busy? He’ll hardly have time to talk to you, and he already knows you are safe and well.”

What Draco said made perfect sense. “All right. Tonight it is.”

“Good. Now we have that settled, let’s start on our tour. Which do you prefer first—the palazzo or the grounds?”

“Oh, the grounds, please. It’s such a beautiful day.”

“Your wish is my command,” Draco responded with a smile that sent a bolt straight to her heart.

He offered her his arm and she rested her hand in the crook of his elbow. As they made their way back down the corridor toward the stairs, Draco told her of the history of some of the pieces of furniture and ornaments.

“Doesn’t it worry you that some of these things will get broken? Shouldn’t they be in a museum?”

Draco laughed. “They are a part of my family. If they break, they break. Of course, we take every step to ensure that doesn’t happen on a regular basis, and some of the more valuable pieces are locked away in glass-fronted cabinets, like the ones you would have seen in the salon used for tour guests.”

Blair envied him his casual acceptance of his world. As welcoming and comfortable as the palazzo was, she doubted she could ever fit in here. Her upbringing had been so transient, she didn’t even have school photos to look back on. Whereas Draco—she looked around at the portraits interspersed with deep windows along the corridor—he could trace back his ancestors to near-medieval times.

Draco led her outside the palazzo to a courtyard where a gleaming convertible sat awaiting them.

“We’re going to drive?” Blair asked, surprised. She’d expected they’d be walking around the grounds.

“I thought I’d take you to the furthest point of our land and then work our way back. Would you prefer we stay closer to home?”

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